Reviews from

in the past

One of the shittiest stories I've played, with a surprisingly shittier protagonist. Even then, it's some of the most fun I've had playing a PSP game.

I have absolutely no fucking idea what the story of this game was. First two games were pretty generic horror setups but this game goes off the rails with time travel and body swapping and I don't even know what. Putting all that aside though I rather liked the gameplay, felt like a natural evolution of the 2nd game making it a more actiony shooter, and a lot of the guns were fun with decent variety for the game length. The costume mechanic in particular was amusing, even if I am for sure not beating this game 10 times.

Eu joguei somente o primeiro Parasite Eve e gostei bastante, mas esse jogo não dá, é muito repetitivo, e uma das coisas que eu mais gostava no original, que era o combate, foi transformado em um shooter genérico (sei que a mecânica de combate já havia sido mudada no 2, mas pelo menos lá parece ser bem mais interessante).

No es un Parasite Eve (aunque, de hecho, ni se titula así), pero es que ni intenta tener algo que ver con los dos anteriores. Es una mezcla de géneros extraña con una historia extremadamente confusa y que parece no entender un carajo de lo que iban los dos juegos anteriores.

Pior aniversário que já participei da minha vida.

Cara, graficamente falando esse jogo aqui é perfeito e muito bem equilibrado em tudo, sem dúvidas ele tem um dos visuais mais interessantes e bem construídos do PSP.. porém, não se faz um jogo bom só por gráfico

Tirando o gráfico e a jogabilidade que é bem funcional, isso aqui é HORRIVEL, a forma de contar a história é confusa você se perde muitas vezes no que ta acontecendo, a construção de cenários é confusa e o jogo todo é MUIITO repetitivo, é só tiro tiro tiro e tu começa a adquirir tendinite de tanto ficar apertando no botão L e R do PSP

Enfim não joguem 3rd Birthday se estiverem esperando uma sequência braba de Parasite Eve ou tiverem esperando um jogo TPS bomzao, ele não se sai bem em nada citado acimaKKKKKKKK

Prison. Prison for everyone who made this.

One of, if not the worst shooter I’ve ever played. The game Is a bullet sponge fest with no player feedback, as In enemies don’t react to your damage at all, you might as well be shooting a wall that happens to have a health bar. The bosses are especially egregious because they’re like RPG superbosses and have 4+ health bars that you’re gonna be endlessly shooting at. The game does that shit where they don’t allow the protagonist to talk because they previously didn’t have a VA so Aya walks around grunting to everything while people talk to her like a regular person that’s supposed to respond back, she’s not even a mute protagonist cause she talks in text boxes??? So why Is the game like this????

Only good things about the game are the visuals and music but thats been a consistent staple regarding Square Enix games anyways. Oh and I found the battle damage cool, seeing your character get more bruised up and their clothes torn up over time Is something I wish more games did. Dogshit game.

It was 2010. It wasn't my 3rd birthday, and I didn't know this game existed.
Now it's 2023 and I know it does exist. The simpler times are long gone and while no cakes were harmed or birthdays were ruined during the making of this game and the writing of this review (but certainly could be if you gifted this to someone for their birthday), this was overall pretty bad.

To begin with the positives, I like the music and the graphics (compared to most things on the PSP) are among the handheld's best. That's pretty much it.

The story is weird and not in a good way. From what I could gather, you don't need to play Parasite Eve 1 and 2 to understand it, but nevertheless, it's confusing and paced like a Rick and Morty episode. It's all over the place and you never get a good explanation for much of it until the very end of the game.
You can read stuff concerning characters before the beginning of a mission (or as they're called in-game - episode), but it feels lazy that they went with this route rather than incorporating it into the gameplay and cutscenes.

The body switching mechanic (called Overdive) is a cool idea, but everything surrounding it brings it down. Beyond giving the AI orders to focus on one target, you can't really tell them what to do, so a lot of strategy and depth which would've benefitted the game is not there. The friendly AI itself kinda stands there and just shoots. It's not well designed and you have to really try to go out of your way to keep it alive.

The worst thing, however, are the controls. At times they make Shaq Fu look like a masterpiece. There's a clunkiness to them that makes you feel like you're walking on a wet floor. The camera doesn't help, and oftentimes adds to that feeling. At least they added an auto-aim for most weapons, which is nice. Be prepared for a lot of frustration even with that, as enemies even on normal difficulty don't show much mercy and can quickly kill you, on top of also being bullet sponges.

The game would've been fine on the gameplay side of things if it was initially designed for PC/PS3/XBOX360. The PSP was a bad choice for this type of shooter. Considering the first two games of the series, it would've been best if this was an RPG like them.
The story, preferably, also needs an overhaul.
The 3rd Birthday, more like The 3rd Disappointment, am I right? :P
Yeah, in its current state, I wouldn't recommend it to anyone.

The follow up to the excellent Parasite Eve duology, and the very thing that killed it so badly it'll likely never come back.

Which is a real shame, because the PE games are incredibly fun and unique, and are perhaps one of the earliest, if not THE earliest, official examples of the extremely rare Survival Horror JRPG fusion genre. Worse still is that the gameplay ideas and enemy design is actually not too shabby (I actually really like the design of "the Twisted"), but the story, core gameplay execution, and intentional design of the characters and scenarios tear up what little good will this game has. Especially the story, which is a wet SHART of a time travel mess with an exceptionally insulting ending to boot.

Let's put away the fact the story is terrible for now, and talk about what it was as a game and why it was almost worth trying to enjoy, up until it showed it really wasn't worth the effort. The game more or less does away with the Survival Horror JRPG root the first two games have and opt for a much more third person shooter perspective, with the twist of body hopping to dart around the battlefield and potion for "focus fire" or reach harder to reach locations. This is bad enough, as the survival horror elements with JRPG mechanics really gave the series it's identity (even if the second one is more action oriented), but, It gets worse and more difficult to enjoy when the soldiers you are stuck with tend to die off due to the staggering and ever ascending difficulty spike after the first major time loop. This isn't even getting into the fact that the core gameplay very quickly boils down to keeping as much distance as possible from foes and "focus fire as much as possible" on singular targets and very slowly move forward, with very little desire to engage in larger groups or one-on-one encounters. While I understand the idea of the concept, trying to crate a squad based approach in a psudo-tactical RPG, its execution is nothing more than a repetitive slog with very little room for experimentation.

This game honestly irritates me. Every now and then, I have the very strange desire to give it a go again, because something deep inside keeps saying "No, Parasite Eve was amazing. Just give '3rd' a chance. it may be better than you think", and like having a piece of candy corn once every Halloween, I'm very swiftly reminded that doing THAT was a mistake. I so, SO badly wanted to like this game. Especially since its release prompted me to try and get the first two games (out of a genuine interest and of irritation). Yeah, 3rd Birthday was my first PE game. Laugh all you want, but at least I learned to travel back in time and play something better. Can't wait to play Parasite Eve once again at the end of this year. Maybe I'll make a fresh file this time.

buenisimo y lleno de accion frenetica aunque su rejugabilidad es demasiado artificial y repetitiva, despues de la dificultad dificil es mas frustrante que divertido

eu não acredito que eles terminaram de desenvolver esse jogo e acharam que realmente isso tava bom caralh que jogo HORRÍVEL.

Bizarro, patético e fora da realidade.
Poucos jogos me deixaram tão indignado como essa porra.

Square Enix was knocking it out of the park with visuals on the psp. Other than that this game does not have a lot going for it. The dive system was a cover for terrible ai and the game is full of frustrating boss fights.

n entendi porra nenhuma (5 estrelas)

I understand what makes this game bad, but I played it before learning about the Parasite Eve games so was able to just enjoy it for what it was.

I was on this game the whole time ever since I got it. I was obsessed with Aya.

Played this on my PSP when my dad got it for me when I was 8. I liked playing this game back then, I remember doing multiple playthroughs with this game. And after watching gameplay on this game, I can see why people think the parasite eve franchise was kinda ruined with this third game.

No clue why people hate this game, it's got so much style and plays great on PSP.