Reviews from

in the past

I've stumbled upon a few of these games over the years and they always catch my attention because it sounds promising to go to the museum but on my computer / steam deck / whatever. This one was genuinely disorienting and trippy. The only objective seems to be a vague quest of finding the most eye bleeding room. Not quite revelatory though.

Oh man, the memories with this one. I took acid with my friend and this was one of 2 games we played. We could not believe what we saw. Kinda dumb in retrospective, we could have went to the forest get eaten by wolves or sum. Back to the game though, trying it years later (sober) I think I'm having HPPD (Hallucinogen Persisting Perception Disorder). Everyone should leave some space for fun in their lives, and I'd surely find half an hour or so for it again. On a second thought, I'm gonna play the remaster and write another one of these "reviews".