Reviews from

in the past

Trilha sonora é top

Soundtrack is peak

lovely survival game. you get a dog! and i love having a boat

Joguin de sobrevivência com o seu barquin em uma esquecida América pós-social

Molasses Flood you'll always be a G and I weep that you guys got taken by CDPR to make some shitty spin off. The game is a beautiful little world, and has gameplay flaws but do I care about those? No. I love this game.

One of the best soundtracks with a game.

The game really has a cool concept and seems cool at first, but gets quite worse down the line. Mostly because of unrifined systems and mechanics.

Sadly ends up as a game that "could've amazing". Love the soundtrack though.

I found this game through Press Reset book and decided to check it out. I really like the story ending and music alongside the rafting movement. As a roguelike though, it does not have that replayable factor as one playthrough with Story Mode is enough to get the best experience. I tried Survival Difficulty and it is harder, but does not really change the experience albeit longer in the early game. I think this game needs more variety and content to achieve that replayability.

I appreciate this game has a heart but not recommending it. I would really like to see a sequel though that may address my issues.

had a save for this so just kinda loaded it up and rushed to finish it
its an ok concept but it feels likes drones on for too long also not huge into survival games

A pretty good roguelike. It is a bit difficult to wrap your head around what's happening but when you get the hang of it, you can get pretty far and the choices it gives you are pretty compelling. the vibe of the game is also one that was pretty unique at the time.

Review EN/PTBR

Gorgeous visuals with a very well done soundtrack, but it ends up being pulled back due to the lack of content you make in the progress of your journey.


Visualmente é agradável e com uma trilha sonora muito bem feita porém acaba sendo puxado pra trás pela falta de conteúdo que você faz no progresso da sua jornada.

really good soundtrack and sound design.

The Flame in the Flood is a visually appealing game with gorgeous, mournful music. I really admired its atmospheric tension; the game expertly threads the needle between tentative hope and creeping despair.

However, the extent to which I was forced to micromanage my inventory severely hampered my enjoyment. I understand strict inventory item caps were likely implemented to encourage players to think strategically about what they pick up, but at a certain point inventory management started to swallow the game whole.

The Flame in the Flood also doesn't pause gameplay while you're navigating its menus. This feature in a vacuum isn't a flaw, but it becomes extremely frustrating when combined with a constant need for inventory micromanagement. I died more than once after being attacked by creatures that the inventory menu was blocking me from noticing while I tediously combined item stacks from my backpack with item stacks in my dog companion's inventory.

I think it would have been much better to implement a feature where excessive inventory starts to slows your character (similar to The Long Dark) instead of having strict inventory item caps. This would encourage players to be mindful of what they pick up but in a less frustrating, more immersive manner.

Really fun but my boars kept bugging around

who else came here from reading muse as a kid

Feels like a fairly competently made survival game and lovely art style, but ultimately just not story based enough to capture my interest. Really appreciate the music though but it's a quite slow game.

A parte visual, a música e a ambientação do jogo são maravilhosos. Foi uma bela jornada.

Mas a jogabilidade e os bugs ofuscam demais o jogo.