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Gravure for You is the type of game that makes you realize why Idolm@ster never left Japan.

Gravure for You is a photo shooting spinoff based on the Idols of Idolm@ster, the goal is pretty simple, there is none. Each volume features the usual 13 Idols and sometimes an extra Idol depending on the volume, the main difference between each volume is the "Focused" Idol (The girl on the box art) which gets a small text scenario but most importantly is the main outfit switch, each volume has a different theme with different clothes and locations because what else could they make to release 9 different versions of this game.
Back on the goal of the game, you just select your favorite girl, command her to switch pose till you find one that you like, move the camera around like a real cameraman and voila, you have taken a magnifique photo of an adorable IM@S character, that'll be 70$, 70$?! Christ! A whopping 9,980 Yen, that's more expensive than most AAA games in Japan, but I'm over-exaggerating things here the game isn't 70$ alone they were released in a big bundle featuring a volume of the TV Show since it was kinda here to promote it, get a chunk of the show on Blu-ray, get a neat photo shooting game with it, plus some extra junk.

So at the end of the day, it was just the anime with a bonus game instead of a game with a bonus anime, in 2013, once all volumes were released a PS3 app came to be called IM@S Channel featuring the remaster of Shiny Festa and standalone digital release of the Gravure for You games at 1,500 Yen each (10$~) showing how little the game's worth was in the bundle.

So while I'm here I might as well review volume 1 of The Idolm@ster the Anime, yeah! That's right this is Anilist now. Vol. 1 came with the two first episodes of the show, personally the first one doesn't do much for me, it's somewhat of a big introduction with all of the idols and unlike Love Live where the show relies on them finding members to make an Idol group, here it's more about them trying to become the number 1 Idol groupe.
The second episode is where it starts and this show works more as a SOL anime rather than having an actual goal and plot to work on, this episode focuses on Iori about her insecurities of not being a grown woman but realizes that she should just take advantage of her cuteness rather than trying to be what she isn't, most IM@S anime episode works like that where it focuses on Insecurities of the 765Pro girls.

I'm rating this game a 2.5/5 since it's technically only 10$ digitally so it's like shitting on a WiiWare game, for 10$ you get to see adorable 3D models that look better than most modern anime cel-shading games, it's just unfortunate that there isn't much to do in this game but honestly if you just crave for more Idolm@ster just buy Idolm@ster 2, Gravure for You Vol. 1 even came bundled with the limited edition of IM@S 2 on PS3.