Reviews from

in the past

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Spoilers for Trails: FC, SC, (maybe The Third, I forget), Zero, Azure(I think), CS1, and of course, CS2.

If you're reading my review of a game that you haven’t played yet because you like my reviews, or because you’re just going to skim through it, I ask you don’t read any further- and especially, please do not like the review unless you’ve read all of the review. The entire franchise is worth a playthrough, and this review especially is tailored to people who have played the entire franchise up to this game. This review is not worth getting a bunch of cool moments spoiled for yourself.

Cold Steel 1 is a game that is mostly panned by the fan base, and one that is usually staunchly at the bottom of trails ranked lists. With such low expectations, I was blown away with how much I enjoyed it. I hadn’t been so immersed in Trails at that point(nor for any JRPG since I first played Persona 5 nearly 5 years ago. It was exactly what I wanted, a cozy slow burn that had a great ensemble cast.The field studies that the game operated on provided all the characters ample screen time, each with their own struggles. Jusis the bastard child, Alisa and her poor relationship with her mom, Elliot with being forced into Thors, even Rean, not knowing where he belongs, what he should be, all beneath a veneer of superficial trope characters. This was not to mention the plot, either. The civil war between the Noble Alliance and the Reformist faction that was brewing, alongside the events of Azure playing out at the same time, it all sets a stage for a great ride. It might not be the most exhilarating adventure ever, but when I look back on it, I just find myself in love with the adventures Class VII went on, the struggles, all of it. Hence it is my favorite Trails game.

With all this in mind, I had been banking on Cold Steel 2 for a while. It’s a running joke in my group about how I’ve never started it, after many points, even in reviews stating how it would be next. And other games just kept getting to me faster than Cold Steel 2 could. Took me forever, but I finally did it. Not sure where to even start. There’s so much to go over. You know the drill. New added section this time: aesthetics.

Characters: Fun fact, about 6 phantom thieves voice in this game! The best characters here are definitely Rean and Crow. Seeing their relationship evolve over the course of the game, how much Rean really cared for Crow, it was a great time. Especially while he’s dying, I don’t know what it is about Crow but he’s always been so wise, got me to tear up while he told Elliot to keep pursuing music and for Alisa to patch things up with her mom. Elliot’s been super relatable to me throughout the entire Erebonia arc so far. Initially he didn’t really want to attend Thors and only went because he didn’t really have any other choices, since his dad’s an extremely decorated military captain. Throughout the game Eliiot realizes just how important Class VII and Thors is to him. This hit me hard, cuz two years ago I also felt forced into the college I attend, but as I look back at it two years into my program, I’m incredibly grateful for all the people I’ve met and opportunities I’ve had. I somewhat related to Emma’s arc as well, though not as much. I mentioned it in my last review, but the strength of Class VII as a cast is how diverse their problems and flaws are, you can find a piece of yourself in every character. And while this clearly isn’t everyone’s cup of tea, compared to the tight familial bond of the SSS or Estelle and Joshua covering each other’s weaknesses, I think it’s a great approach to the story it’s trying to tell. Class VII feels like one big group of friends more than anything else. And while there is less development for each character than in CS1, I still am more than satisfied with what I got. It’s more so Class VII flexing their character development muscles from how they developed in the first game rather than further developing, which I’m okay with. I love McBurn, Duvalie and Vita Clotilde as well. pls step on me Vita

Music: There’s a lot of great themes here, especially the battle theme, boss theme, Blue Destination, and of course To Gamble All or Nothing. God, that song is so fucking raw. I love Blue Destination too, perfect melancholy vibes that fit the Crow Rematch as well as that fight. Has the exact same vibes as Silver Will. Aside from these few themes though, the CS1 OST definitely beats CS2. Tons more memorable Town and dungeon themes, and frankly better boss themes too, with the exception of Blue Destination. I don’t like saying it, but most CS2 exclusive tracks are mediocre.

Aesthetic/Vibes: I never mentioned it in the CS1 review, but the aesthetic these games have is gorgeous. Something about the art style has a distinct low budget charm to it that makes it really pretty. It pops in areas like Nord and the Vermillion Apocalypse Castle. The character models are also very 2000s anime which I find really cool. Trails seems to have had a really good transition from the spritework of the first 5 to this style, and from the few screenshots I’ve seen of the PS4 era games, it transitions there well. I don’t know what it is about these PS3/vita entries but they're straight up breathtaking.

Gameplay:As for gameplay, many things remain the same from CS1. A few additions I liked were more frequent Divine Knight battles, since that battle theme is goated and the spectacle is always super fun. That being said, I found the game relatively easy on normal mode. Being that this is the second game in the series with a battle system I liked(due to the nature of the orbments in previous games, see those reviews for more detail) I'm surprised I found myself thinking the game was too easy. So I guess I’ll be graduating to hard mode with CS3. Most bosses are easy on normal too unless you go in with less than 200 CP, which I didn’t find myself doing. That is with the exception of 3 bosses. The Crow/Vita fight was quite hard, took me about an hour of tries to get through and was exhilarating seeing everything fall into place. That’s what I love most about Trails’ battle system, when everything falls into place it gives the greatest dopamine rush, trying to find the best turn buffs to use your s-breaks in, saving up CP and banking on it. I even found myself enjoying building my orbments near the end of the game. My Laura, especially, was goated and incredibly strong. Another fight that was difficult was that fight, still took me about 30 minutes of retries and even grinding out some sepith. There was one more fight that was incredibly challenging, with no other fight in the game getting to this level of intensity. This fight being none other than Loa Lucifera. The amount of rebuilding and strategy I had to do was not simply incredibly fun, but perhaps the most fun I’ve had with the series’ combat system so far. Everything from fine tuning my party’s orbments and quartz, what party members would be best, and even what moves to use and when. All incredibly fun and a worthy finale to an incredible game. I wish I could say the same about the story that’s featured in this section.

Story/Lore:God… If not for the ending being overly extended, it might have been my favorite Trails story so far. So as anyone who’s played both Sky and Cold Steel would know, the parallels are strong between both games. With FC/CS1, there was the same story beats of travelling across the continent with a political uprising playing out in the background. Not to mention both have characters with mysterious pasts who are eventually revealed to be not who they were meant to be, as well as ambiguous relationships between two leads. In SC, this was Joshua and Loewe. In CS2, this was Rean and Crow. Before I go any further with this, though, I’d like to talk about the rest of what I liked prior to these parallels. First off, I loved the operation mission structure, something I was dying to have back after the mediocre opening hours. The operations were reminiscent of field studies and always gave me such hype moments. I talk more about the gripes I have with this game’s structure in the next section though. Other than that, I thought a lot of the Reformist vs Noble faction struggles were handled well, and Class VII’s motives equally so. The slow technological advances continue, in this game we see more and more characters get access to phones. The tech evolving in these games is definitely one of my favorite parts. Anyway, I’d mentioned how I was flabbergasted that C was revealed to be Crow, when in hindsight it was completely obvious. The same can be said for Crow’s death, I was so hung up on if they would be able to give him a proper sentence in prison or not that it flew right over my head, even with the parallels to Loewe so blatant. So again, it took me by complete surprise when Crow ended up dying, because characters rarely die in this series. At least those introduced in “modern times”, any characters a character was related to in the past have about a 50% chance to be dead lol. Illya didn’t die, off the top of my head. Rean’s Dad didn’t die. And yet, they killed off Crow, the rare occurance makes it powerful. I think it was a beautiful ending. Especially ending on the reveal Osborne’s death was for a fakeout, and that Rean is his son. The credits animation was also really emotional.. That goddamn 50 mira coin, and god the song, too. My vita didn’t show the ending credits tho, so I had to actually watch it on youtube lmao. Except… that’s not the end. That’s right, we’re back in Crossbell, baby! God, the way they drip fed this sequence to you after the ending was pure genius. From the voiceover slowly getting the player to realize who’s talking, to the camera pans that just barely miss the SSS building, to eventually landing in the Geofront. From there, you take control of Lloyd Bannings… and my god, when Get Over the Barrier played as the battle theme, I lost my shit for a good few minutes. It made me realize how much I miss Crossbell and its characters. Lloyd being voiced by Robbie Daymond feels perfect to me as well, it’s almost exactly how I imagined him. I wonder if this is what partially got him the role as Akechi lmfao. Anyway, the realization slowly dawns on you that you’re actively fighting against Rean and Erebonia, too. It’s all masterfully done, and especially the final fight, dude… where Blue Destination plays and you fight against Altina and Rean… the way it tugs at my heartstrings dude. Both Lloyd and Rean are some of my favorite protags, and yet they fought. The whole sequence is a masterful reintroduction to Crossbell in HD and I’m glad it’s in the game. I also absolutely adore the way Rean is characterized, you see how much pain he’s in, how angry he is… god the Crossbell Interlude is probably the most thankful I’ve ever been that I played these games in order. If the game had ended here, it would be a 10 in my book, and definitely my favorite Trails game. I’ll expand on why the true ending fumbled the game for me in a bit. That being said, I did like the ending that took place after Loa Lucifera’s fight, it definitely made me cry, however, that whole bit’s existence muddies the game’s mood thematically. I think the game would be better off without it.

Biggest Gripes: I feel like my biggest problem with the game is that it does not know where to end, to its detriment. I think, despite the challenge and satisfaction Loa Lucifera provided as a final boss, the game, thematically, and logically, had a much better stopping point after the Rean boss fight, with the final scene being Class VII walking back to the academy after Rean gets back from Crossbell. It would have been perfect. After the death of Crow, the wonderful ending track I’ll Remember You plays, and curiously, someone unfamiliar starts speaking. “What?” you think, as you wipe your tears. Suddenly you’re thrust into the shoes of Lloyd once more. The game tugs at your heartstrings with all the references to Crossbell, name drops of other SSS members… and then it pits you against the protagonist of the Erebonia arc. Blue Destination plays, you reluctantly fend off this god long enough, only for him to summon an ancient machination you or Rixia have never seen before… Utterly decimating the computer you fought your hardest to protect, you must run away. You ask him, what is his name? And he stutters, no… he’s not Rean of Class VII anymore. He’s Rean Schwarzer of the Provincial Army, fighting against the free state you desperately want. Then it cuts again, Rean snaps at Claire, and Rean is reunited with Class VII. Excuse the somewhat long recounting of events, but this ambiguity, this melancholy, not knowing what to do with anything you’ve learned… Rean is the enemy, now. It would have all been the perfect note to end on. And yet, the game insists on continuing. I rolled my eyes when the Old Schoolhouse opened up again. CS2 had a perfect ending, but it just… threw it all away. Yes, I cried again when Class VII split up, and yes, I liked the challenge of Loa Lucifera, but the extra, unnecessary dungeon and boss does ruin the ending thematically. I also feel like reuniting Class VII was rushed. Everything after you get the Courageous is perfect, but before that, I was really struggling with it. It was just one person after the next, reunions never felt earned. I feel it would have been better to lean harder into SC parallels and have you travel on foot to find them, rather than using Valimar to do a 5 hour jaunt that didn’t really feel earned. It felt like they were rushing to the part with the Courageous because that’s what they really wanted to tell. Another gripe I have is the party system. For 95% of the game your party isn’t forced like it was in CS1. Not only does this lead to less character development and interconnectivity between Class VII, but it also makes gameplay really a breeze. A lot of the challenge(and fun) in CS1, for me, came from being forced to use certain party members. Like, when I don’t have my boy Elliot for half the game, I have to figure out how to heal without him since I can’t fall back on Resounding Beat and Holy Song. But in CS2, especially the latter 75% of the game, where you can choose 6(of 11 characters) as an active party, your strongest never have to leave, which breaks the game. By endgame my Laura was doing 200k damage per S-Break and with her build, and I guarantee that could’ve easily surpassed 500k if I minmaxxed even more. There were some attempts at characters being forced tagging along, but it was a single character, and the same character was rarely forced during that Part’s operation. Even then, they were more a nuisance being forced than anything else because their build was not as good as the others since I rarely used them. Overall it’s not the biggest problem, that still goes to the Old Schoolhouse integration. Also, Angie. Still one of the worst characters in the series.

Final Thoughts:So I'm at an impasse. On one hand, Cold Steel 2 is everything I’d hoped for and more. Great emotional peaks, and even unexpected parts like Crow’s death and playing as Lloyd again. On the other hand, the ending is thematically ruined for me because it didn’t end after the Crossbell portion. It reminds me of Zero a lot, where everything was peak after peak after peak, and then it missed the mark by recycling the Weissman archetype with Joachim as a villain. Cold Steel 2 pains me, it was going to stick the landing gracefully, but at the last second decided to jerk the proverbial plane upwards and then bumped a bit. It was a fine enough ending, but the ending would have been so much better if it cut off beforehand. I don’t know, maybe I can ignore that portion and give it a 10 like I want to. But my heart doesn’t have it in me, if it doesn’t have the perfect ending like CS1 did. I think I’m going to need to give CS2, unfortunately, a 9. I’ve seen CS3 is a toss up depending on who you are. Could be a 10 or a 1. Whatever CS3 brings I don’t want to overhype myself and I’m sure I’m in for a good time regardless. Stay tuned for that one!

Great game that does not know where to end. Epilogue chapter should have been a 1h cinematic.

Way better game than its prequel, first of all they fixed the mecha battles and now they're kinda fun, I'm starting to like the new orbment system but it doesn't help the balancing at all, it's so easy to break the game and while there are some difficult battles, you can just cheese them by spamming S-Crafts (looking at you, Fie.). There a lot of new party members tho and the final dungeon while ugly adds some cool stuff.
The Nord Highlands still suck.

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Alright so i wanna preface by saying cold steel 1 and 2 were my first games in the series. This is probably the biggest factor as to why at the time, and ever still now I cant dunk on this game as much as is probably deserves. Cold steel 1 and 2 is written with new fans in mind, but they were also set up as games that would take place concurrently with zero and azure and thus make the phantasmal blaze plan make sense and maybe even at the very lest set up what will happen with everyone after the end of the civil war. I think what they were trying to set up here which would later become the rivalries would be a lot cooler and make a lot more sense if something happened that at least explained what happened in this game, if we were told by vita that she was trying to have a rivalry without the ebon knight getting involved or that osborne stealing the phantasmal blaze plan just meant he was gonna initiate the rivalries himself if we were just told this it would have made this eons more tolerable, but it isnt and we arent told anything really. When I first beat this game I was talking with a friend of mine about how I can't tell if this game is fucking amazing or dogwater trash and even now I still am like damn. The whole thing with rean and olivert being written to find a "third path" which just ends up with them siding with the imperials most of the time anyways and btw if youve played azure all of this shit is long winded and pointless since you already know osborne is actually alive and he wins, and you probably already guessed that we wins by "baiting the noble alliance and its backers (ouroboros who is using the noble alliance for their own whims)" so it can get tiring but where this game shines is when the finale ends and the intermission and epilogue hit. It was so fucking cool to me that this game ends with a "yay the country is back to normal" but rean and all of class 7 lost especially rean just getting mentally fucking suplexed after all of that fucking "we are a third path that takes neither side" was just so refreshing and i was so interested in where the story was gonna go with everything, poor writing and villains withholding literally any information included. I could write about act 2 being padded and rean rescuing his friends in act 1 and say what everyones said and talk about rean and crows relationship which really was not focused on in cold steel 1 to be warranting this kind of bond but its one of the only parts of cold steel that i think keeps it from blowing itself up. If i had not started the series with cold steel 1 and 2, and if it had not had the constraints of being a game that took place concurrently with an actually well written set of games, than I think I would have dunked on this game so hard but man I loved this game I loved this games soundtrack I loved finale - the epilogue and I thought they had such an excellent setup for the next two games which turns out to not be true but I wouldnt really know that for the next 6 games. man the crow rean burger date, the bonding event with rean and sara after the stupid vulcan thing. It is hard for me to put into words how mixed i feel about this game cause ive kind of just been rambling but you know it sucks but its also the rean lloyd fight and god they cant write this in a unformulaic way but god damn severe blow what a track and you know how cool that you wont know what the rivalries are till act 2 of cold steel 4 but it god would it have helped to know, at least as a player, but you know im endin it here this game to me as a second trails game id give a 4 stars what a fuckin cool arc if it was my seventh trails game 2 stars easy ngl

TL DONT READ: essentially, i love this game but theres a lot of weak points that previous games dont really have that make this experience seem even weaker by comparison. However, if you do not have sky-azure under your belt I think this can be considered a pretty solid game, especially finale-epilogue which I think is the most interesting part of the whole cold steel arc personally

Quite better than the first entry, maybe it was due to spacing them a bit to avoid burnout. The game feels more meaningful along the way, thanks to the already established characters and setting.

Still, pacing problems continue to be an issue, I limited myself to do the sidequests I found interesting but even then the game throws you dungeon after dungeon at times, some of which can be considered filler.

All in all, it was still an enjoyable experience. Getting to break the game with the different quartz settings was fun and the story got very engaging at points. Thanks god for turbo mode to carry me through some painfully slow animations.

CS2 felt like someone trying to copy Sky SC's homework. It's a fairly similar game that hits similar beats, but is just missing that special something. Whether that's the character writing, the pacing, or a secret third thing who knows. Just kind of missed the mark for me personally

Compared to the first game this one was sort of interesting. It was alright at best until the ending chapter where it pads the game out for an extra few hours for almost no real reason.

my favourite part was when everything seemed to be going well for the protagonists, only for things to take a sudden turn for the worse before the canonically ultra strong character(s) save the day

I needed it....kondo media straight from the slop oven....

doesn't feel nearly as special as trails in the sky or zero to azure, but it's still trails dangit. onward to 3.

Recently watched a friend play through this and nearly every single boss I was there for killed him in the first two turns, it actually blew my mind cause I didn't die a single time for the entire Cold Steel series. This has solidified it as my favorite Cold Steel game

So, I was sick in bed these past few days and have been going through this. At times it was the perfect thing to distract me as I got better, and at other times I genuinely think it gave me a worse migraine and fatigue than being sick ever did.

CS2 is weird because its peaks are higher than CS1's right from the beginning with its awesome premise, but it meanders more than CS1 or any of the Sky games ever did. You have so many similar dungeons that go on and on and on, with the game often involving repetition of slightly similar events or places in other areas in the middle of the game, as well as its later portion. Also, the game seems to never want to end, there's an epilogue after the credits to the finale, and then the intermission before the actual finale. I didn't mind it that much though because I really liked the Intermission and Divertissement chapters, but the actual last chapter being that long was unjustified. At least it was pretty emotional near the end, and the point it was trying to deliver was interesting. Rean's rival of sorts is pretty nice too, but I wish they had more screen time.

Overall a fun game, I'd put it above CS1. It is more ambitious than CS1, but more flawed for sure. I did play the intro to CS3 and the graphical upgrades that come with Falcom moving on from the PS Vita and years of technical advancement, as well as the improved gameplay and insane music have me very excited to play more.

The adventures of rean coldsteel

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Last stretch of the game hella good, the series could've gone into any direction especially with the things that happened during the last stretch of the game, which made me very disappointed with the direction that the series went in cs3 and 4 especially with the character of Rean.


CS2 has alot of similarities between SC which i find to be pretty cool in terms of presentation, structure and even somewhat the direction of the story (Albeit 2 different things) which i liked seeing. The only downside of CS2 is the pacing in act 2, funny enough reminded me of the section in SC which made you walk around the whole of Liberl lmao.

But i think this was a good step up from the first game in alot of respects and provided some good development for Rean and Class 7! The shock factor of Trails cliffhangers needs to be studied honestly.

Had fun with it and im looking forward to the second half of cold steel.

Although this game still has the awful boss syndrome of the first game, its SO much better then the first Cold Steel game
Really expands on Rean and the gang and gives the player a shit ton of tools and options to play with
ending is crazy as always too, the post game content also got me jumping out of my chair

I think this was the Trails of Cold Steel game I liked best but they've all kinda blurred into one.

This game was SC on a grand scale. Reuniting with everyone in Act 1 and then bouncing all over the place in Act 2 was really fun. This has definitely been the easiest game by far, by the end of the game everyone was getting one tapped by S breaks it was kinda hilarious.

One critique I do have is it feels like it pads on way too long at the end. Swear this game just started pulling final dungeons out of its ass. But the Crossbell segment was really good. Excited to see the WE arc now but EE has been great.

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Rean cold steel be like "haha..."

Nah fr tho this game was a big improvement on cs1 and i'm only hoping to see it get better with cs3. The epilogue did hit tho and i'm sad to see class vii separate.

Continuar imediatamente após o término do primeiro jogo é praticamente como estender a mesma “jogatina”, com poucas mudanças perceptíveis, o que não é necessariamente negativo, dado que o primeiro jogo é excelente.

Neste segundo capítulo, ao invés de se concentrar em apresentações e na vida escolar cotidiana, ele direciona sua atenção mais intensamente para os aspectos da guerra. O que foi legal, focou mais na narrativa de worldbuiling do que de character-driven como era mais no primeiro. O que faz sentido, pelo direcionamento da trama. Isso não quer dizer que não tem desenvolvimento de personagem, pelo contrário.

A diferenciação entre os capítulos é marcante em suas características: inicialmente, a jornada é bastante linear, concentrando-se na reunião do grupo, mas depois de reunidos, a narrativa se torna mais não linear. Apesar da liberdade proporcionada, essa parte pode se tornar cansativa devido às missões secundárias repetitivas. Contudo, o jogo ressurge com energia renovada em seus momentos finais, parecendo prolongar-se além do esperado. Justamente quando se pensa que está próximo do desfecho, ainda há mais por vir.

As trilhas sonoras são incríveis, destacando-se como um dos pontos mais fortes da franquia, enquanto a dublagem em japonês é excelente.
Quanto ao port para PC, enfrentei alguns pequenos problemas de crash, mas após utilizar o SenPatcher, não experimentei mais nenhum contratempo.

Much like the first one, this storyline progression can be a bit mundane and makes you want to bang your head against a wall but grind through it and the cliffhanger at the end makes you want to play the 3rd installment

skip this one and youtube the plot

kondo does it again folks he made peak fiction

Following the events of Cold Steel 1, Rean Schwarzer is now separated from his classmates, worried about them and what happened in Trista, Rean embarks on a new adventure to reunite the class VII as the civil war rages in Erebonia. In the same manner that its predecessor, Cold Steel 2 carries on Falcom's habit, resulting with a game heavy in story, character development and world building. However, unlike the previous game, this new installment does have major problems and harbors a glimpse of the disaster that will be Cold Steel 3 and 4.

A shame, considering those problems mainly appear toward the end of the game, everything prior that is almost perfect. The gameplay is enhanced with new mechanics cleverly introduced through lore, the grimmer context is tangible both on form and substance, the new combat theme oozes with anxiety and bitterness, perfectly transcribed through the evolution the main character undergoes. Despite being classic it is well written, Falcom obliges, many details fits the narrative, such as a new in-game sprite accompanied with Kōki Uchiyama's performance, both highlighting a more ferocious and emotive Rean. A nice treatment that do not only concern the main character.

So where did it go wrong ? Simply put, Nihon Falcom's wet dream is to make the ultimate crossover, where every character from each arc would cross paths. In order to achieve that, Falcom forsook good writting to brainless fan service, doing so, they lost all perspectives of what made their own games so special.

Near the end of Cold Steel 2, after a major plot twist and as the tension reaches a new peak, Falcom, clouded by their fantasy couldn't come up with anything else but a time skip, followed by an hour section which forces you to play characters from another arc. Whether or not the player like the said characters is out of the question, the problem here is the pacing. All of sudden, all emotions and questions the player might have, are brushed off. Like a pop up commercial in the middle of a movie, or a dessert between two meat dishes, during this section ironically named divertissement, Falcom warns players that, from this point onward everything will shatter.

If that previous mistake was not enough, for some obscure reasons, Falcom decided to lock a scene behind new game plus, a short scene yet crucial story wise for both Cold Steel 3 and 4. This red flag alone, prevent me from rating this game higher than average.

It's a mess, a long game able to fit an hour fan service section, unable to fit 5 crucial minutes. Supposed to unravel at least a few questions, the narrative is even more blurry. The rule show don't tell, is not applied to the civil war context, which in retrospect isn't that bloody or devastating in consequences. Lastly, rejoice and be glad, Falcom not satisfied yet with the inclusion of one horrendous time skip in the game, decided to add another one outside the game.

In fact, between Cold Steel 2 and Cold Steel 3, a lot happens supposedly, and it somehow erased every single bit of character development Rean went through during Cold Steel 1 and 2. Do you think those events could well be a DLC for Cold Steel 2, maybe a brand new game ? None of that, instead those events are bound to a dreadful anime called Trails of Cold Steel - Northern War, which is in reality an advertisement for a mobile gacha game, and doesn't even have enough decency to answer all incoherences that later fill Cold Steel 3, which to be fair is a clusterfuck even without those incoherences, but that's for another review.

In conclusion, Cold Steel 2 is a shifting point, now privileging fanservice over good writing, Falcom prepared the ground for their so desired crossover, and the worst is yet to come in Cold Steel 3 and 4.

And that's it, in this game you see everything they built in the first one appearing and see how it unfolded. How can they manage to do world-building of this level is marvelous. The first one is really weak, but it's because the entire first game was basically them preparing the ground for the second one, which makes use of everything from the first.

The combat is largely unchanged from CS1. A step down from previous Trails titles in terms of difficult and complexity, but still decent overall.

CS2's issues lie much more with its story. The setup this game got from CS1 should have given it plenty of good opportunities for a strong narrative. The Noble/Reformist tensions and the outbreak of Civil War are pretty fertile ground for a story. Yet CS2 fails to make good use of them. Whatever ideological justifications for conflict the first game set up and never touched on here except to make the villains look stupid for having such silly beliefs, whereas the war itself barely even feels impactful with the most noticeable change being all the people complaining about their taxes being too high.

I wouldn't go so far as to call it a bad game, but it is a letdown. CS1 laid a decent enough foundation but CS2 failed to make use of it. And while the gameplay is still enjoyable enough to keep the game afloat, it's barely changed from CS1 which itself was a simplification of previous series entries.

I'm too invested in the series to stop here and I imagine the same is true of anyone who made it this far. I certainly wont drop it just because of the issues here. But this is definitely a low point for the series that I just hope it recovers from.

Basically the same gameplay as the previous entry, but with the twist of mechs. A very unexpected turn for the franchise that took some getting used to.