Reviews from

in the past

No siento que vale tanto la pena en general, solo para el más fan que quiera un reto

Brings Eventide to the extreme, a fun and difficult challenge for players who want more out of BotW.

Amei a DLC. Apesar de ter uma ideia simples ela consegue ser bem divertida e bem desafiadora. Gosto desses complementos para jogos que fizeram sucesso, ainda mais quando é feito com maestria.

I enjoyed it but it was nothing too special overall. It was fun for what it was.

after completing the game this dlc is the perfect punch in the gut to being reminded what it’s like to have fucking nothing

Much like in Ocarina of Time, Master Mode continues to be an interesting and highly rewarding take on an already great game. I wish they had remixed the dungeons in this one like they had last time.

Love the difficulty. Though it's also the reason I haven't beat it yet...

Whoever thought it was a good idea to give enemies regen in master mode should be fired. At least Trial of the Sword is enjoyable.

The Trials themselves are fantastic. Mastermode is terrible and clearly not well thought through. Breakable weapons and regenerating health don't really go together.

That last trial is sooo hard wooooah, I’m not really playing this for the combat but this was still fun! Imagine they made a roguelite version…

Um desafio que jamais vou conseguir completar.

Aqui é onde se coloca toda a maestria do sistema de BOTW em prática, se vire pelado em milhares de rodadas com inimigos diferentes e cenários diferentes, pegando o loot do anterior até poder estar forte o suficiente.

Apesar de divertido, não fui até o fim do mesmo por falta de vontade de continuar no mundo, acabei jogando essa DLC muitos anos depois e não estava mais acostumado.

Adições de Skins e outros itens foram muito bem vindas!

The best feature of eventide, but this time with actually difficult challenges (somewhat at least, it's still BOTW the brainless combat game at its core, just with higher stakes and less fallback).

Only part of BOTW that I didn’t complete, the later trials are complete bastards.

Sometimes I play through BotW just to do the Sword Trials again, its by far the best part of the game for me

no mete nada realmente nuevo, lo único guapo es lo de la espada maestra y el modo experto debería haber estado en el juego original

uhh, não coloquem isso no próximo por obsequio

Master Trials are fun, and some of the DLC items and costumes are quite nice. The trials are a cool challenge and require you to think, although maybe a little long with no saves (the final set of trials took an hour for me).

Master Mode is not good though. The regenerating enemies are cool in theory but don’t work when you have easily breakable items, because it becomes worth it to just skip fighting all together. Master Mode with the Master Trials is a near impossible feat that requires intense planning to even bother trying.

The best challenge you could get out of BOTW.
Perfect for people who like to grind.

good dlc that helped boost the master swords power and it glows... so cool