Reviews from

in the past

It’s a fun game, but the jokey mechanic cost me way to long to find out….

unbearable character acceleration

A arte desse jogo é linda! Se você gosta de um bom desafio, como todo jogo europeu, é bem difícil. Vai arrancar bastante os cabelos antes de chegar no fim. Você vai ficar parecendo o Gargamel.

The third and random final original Gameboy game my parents had for me, it's not very good and I never got past the second level.

Pros: First things first, the MUSIC, excellent compositions using that crunchy badass Game Boy sound card, it all sounds awesome. The game too, a tough as nails 2D platformer that'll keep you on your toes.

Cons: The difficulty can get ridiculous at times, particularly at the very end, I feel like I lucked my way into beating it, it's bonkers how tough it is.

What it means to me: My girlfriend grew up with this game, and one night she challenged me to finish it, and I'll tell ya, I was shocked and surprised by the quality on display here! Had a blast finishing it on the Super Game Boy!