Reviews from

in the past

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Tripp looks like a Shrek character

Damn, the fucking Ava and Tripp decision. I was hoping I could abstain, but if you wait the time out, they just shoot you lol. I chose Ava. Tripp is obviously pissed at me, but he already was; Elanor betrayed us and he still seems to be with us, though, so maybe he'll forgive me.

Ugh, this season really pushed my whole "will not kill unless I have to" thing because I've usually killed instead of not which I feel bad about. But... Lingard seemed like he was gonna do it anyway, and was refusing important information if I didn't send him on his way. And Joan... well, shit was gonna hit the fan anyway.

This season succeeds in making your decisions feel weighty, something the first two seasons I honestly feel failed at. I still don't get the disdain for this season, and nobody really seems forthcoming with why they don't like it. I don't get it.

My choices:

-Promised David you would help Kate (why wouldn't you lol)
-Assisted Dr. Lingard (apparently letting Clem decide is an option? I wish I fucking knew that)
-Did not share Kate's feelings (how is that the more popular option lol)
-Tried to save Ava at the execution (I actually reset after the first time because of something else, but I still stuck with it despite knowing Joan wouldn't follow through)
-Shot Joan (centrist ass Clint gonna get everyone killed)

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Telltale deserves some credit here. Having to choose to save either Ava or Tripp, only for the rug to be pulled out from under you to instead have the one you pick die is genius. It's such a good subversion of the overdone, choose who to live decision we've seen since Season 1.

I fucking hate this game so much