Reviews from

in the past

Jesus. Jesus fucking Christ.

This review contains spoilers

"Rosie is worried about everyone."

Oh yeah, fuck you Lilly.

Man, this final episode is really gonna affect how I feel about this season as a whole. I think it's amazing so far, but this ending could honestly make it all feel pointless, if my choices matter or not is the dealbreaker.

And right now... man, my choices are making me feel helpless. Violet lost a finger, Louis lost a tongue, and poor James lost a life. But I'll be damned if I don't at least try to stop AJ from becoming a killer.

I don't realistically see Lilly being pulled back from how she is, not anymore. This isn't the TV show where there are dozens of episodes where she can see the light and reverse her regression, there's only one episode left, and I expect the worst from her. Yeah, I could have let AJ kill her, but I'm not doing that. And even though it got him killed, I feel vindicated by James supporting the decision. It doesn't change my feelings about it.

Really hope Violet understands and forgives me for not letting AJ step in. Apparently it would have stopped a finger from being amputated so maybe it was the worse decision, but I can't regret it now.

My decisions:

-Mercy killed Abel (geez, I know he was a shitter but I don't think I should ever just let someone turn)
-Respected James' beliefs, killed no walkers (definitely the hardest decision in the series... like literally, it takes a little skill)
-Named Willy's bomb "Mitch's Masterpiece" (Mitch looks like if Chucky and the kid from the Ted TV show had a baby)
-Stopped AJ from attacking Dorian, letting her cut off Violet's finger (ugh, sorry Violet)
-Refused to let AJ kill Lilly (James is right, I cannot let him become a killer. I won't.)

Relationship statuses:

Everyone is "MIA" or "Dead" so not really much to say here.

I love the part where I chose purple candles and Violet goes "really?" And Ruby said "you should like them Violet" was probably my second favorite joke in this series.

The third episode of the final season is a slow burn for the most part. There's a long stretch of quiet character development following the action that capped off the second episode. However, this slower gameplay is well-spent, giving much-needed time for character development. The episode ends with another action-packed sequence that, while enjoyable, has some frustrating moments that rely too much on quick-time events. The episode ends with a decent confrontation between Clementine and the big bad, marred by how cliche it was. This has been my favourite episode so far this season, but it still doesn't rise to some of the really great episodes from earlier seasons.