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in the past

An interesting expansion. Adds a few nothing side quests teasing a new land but not going into it. The main plot is excellent, some of the best writing in the game but it can take 4-5 hours or more for it to start picking up.

IDK if the ending was supposed to be more one sided, but olgierd was such an asshole that i feel like i got the good ending watching his soul get taken. He was such a prick that the devil seemed reasonable which is how the devil would make himself appear biblically so it makes sense tbh. Well done. Still feel like i got the good ending siding with evil incarnate lol.

Essa DLC é algo incrível para a época, onde esse tipo de conteúdo era algo mais pequeno ou apenas um minigame do jogo. A Hearts of Stone tem uma história muito legal, como praticamente todas as side quests do TW3, com personagens impactantes e principalmente um vilão fenomenal.

Foi minha segunda vez jogando, mas agora prestei bem mais atenção e aproveitei mais a DLC, já que da primeira vez eu estava jogando só pra platinar.

TW3 é meu jogo é favorito da vida e essa DLC é fenomenal. Nota 9/10.

Hearts of Stone is absolutely great, it might be the inferior expansion of The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt but it's very solid nonetheless.

I was seriously intrigued by the story, it's very fascinating, and I really liked the new characters as well.

There are some new boss fights which are quite challenging, especially in comparison to the disappointingly simple boss fights of the main game.

And lastly, the setting is very interesting and unique, I absolutely love it.

The only issue I can find is that it's relatively short and lacks content. Unfortunately it's barely 10 hours long and there's no replay-ability.

Final Rating: "Fantastic" ~ 8.5/10.

Eine grandiose Erweiterung zu einem ohnehin schon großartigen Spiel. Gameplaytechnisch tut sich hier nicht viel, aber das ist mir auch relativ egal. Habe diesmal sogar den Schwierigkeitsgrad auf "Story" gestellt, sodass ich so wenig Zeit wie möglich mit den mittelmäßigen Kämpfen verbringe und mich voll und ganz der Story und den Charakteren hingeben kann.

Beides ist wieder einmal großartig. Sowohl Gegenspieler als auch Verbündete sind durchweg komplexe und interessante Charaktere und die Geschichte ist herzergreifend schön und schmerzhaft.

Außerdem hat man hier wirklich tolle Quests im Angebot, die die Geschichte auch noch spaßig zum Spielen machen. Die Dichte überragender Quests ist hier wirklich bemerkenswert. Es gibt in der Hauptgeschichte des DLCs eigentlich nur abwechslungsreiche Banger.

Insgesamt ärgere ich mich hauptsächlich nur darüber, dass ich diesen DLC noch nicht viel früher gespielt habe und kann jetzt Blood & Wine kaum erwarten.

Peak witcher, masterpiece of cinematic and roleplaying storytelling.

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Darn good writing. Very interesting characters.
O'Dimm, you dirty dog.

o jeito que toda a história se conecta e vai fazendo mais sentido na sua cabeça, juntamente com um dos vilões mais interessantes da indústria dos games, pra mim fazem dessa uma das melhores dlc's de história que eu já joguei, cd projekt red não brinca em serviço.

killing Ольгерд and drink ложку в глазнице

I don’t even want to think about what Olgierd would have done for a Klondike bar.

Pretty nice DLC. Story here is great, I really like characters from this story. Main theme of this dlc "villian" is something to remember. Also the new system of enchanting gear is good, tho "a bit" expensive (you need to spend more than 30 thousands coins for max level of this and enchants alone are not that cheap)

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Great expansion with a fun, interesting questline. The only issue is that I think it ends right when it starts getting really good. I just learned how powerful Gaunter O’dimm really is then I beat him by pulling him out of a pond. Like what, that’s how he dies? I feel like the dlc should’ve had a couple more hours to really expand the story into something incredible. Great dlc, but it hurts knowing what it could’ve been.

ainda preciso terminar essa dlc, mas blood and wine acabou me pegando mais

This is, without a doubt, one of the best DLCs in a game.

actually so good, I loved every second. must wipe my memory and replay soon.

Lovely plot, absolutely great and charismatic characters, wonderful soundtracks, bossfights that actually make the combat system more interesting and the best boss fight in all of The Witcher 3 being Olgierd obviously, probably the best dlc ever.

Excellently paced and written expansion that channels the best parts of the base game and gets super creative with them. All of the characters are so well-realized, especially Gaunter O'Dimm, who is an absolutely brilliant villain. I just love the plot itself as well, though It is kinda weird how quickly the Ofieri become totally irrelevant to it.

My issues with the gameplay, i.e. the combat, still persist unfortunately - which is mostly why I don't feel comfortable rating this any higher than 8,5/10 for now, maybe a 9/10 in time.

One of the most emotion-jerking stories I've ever experienced in a video game. Genuinely amazing. I'll admit I teared up playing this and I'm not ashamed to admit it. Just... If you even liked the Witcher 3 and are judging if this is worth it and up to the same quality as the base game. Yes. Yes it is, if not in some cases higher. A small bit of the map is added, with plenty of content in it though, as well as other quests and items spread throughout the rest of the world, including a heist, a heist! Get it. There is no reason not to pay the small price for this amazing amount of content. This is quantity and quality.

uma dlc sensacional e muuuito boa, vale todo o seu tempo!

Hearts of Stone has a better story than Witcher 3’s main game. It’s premise is incredibly intriguing, centring around an immortal rogue and a mysterious man who fulfils wishes. The writing is fantastic and is really brought to life by the well voice acted, layered and nuanced cast. The main game is superbly paced not only with its narrative, but with gameplay. There are some fantastic bosses, creative missions and great visual variety. A particular highlight was a level where use your Witcher vision to move items in a scene into their correct positions to commence flashbacks which give you an insight into the relationship of two of the games main characters. I did have a couple issues with this expansion, primarily in how you face the new spider enemies to the point where I was sick of them and there are barely any memorable side missions. However, these only slightly tarnish what is undoubtably the most fun I’ve had with any Witcher game to date. If you enjoyed the Witcher 3, you owe it to yourself to play this expansion.

Ranked DLC Recommendations

There are very few characters in video games who have impacted me as deeply as Iris and Olgierd von Everec, and the fact that they're side characters from a DLC is...insanity. B&W is a sprawling, elaborate blast, but the beauty (and turmoil) of Scenes from a Marriage cemented Hearts of Stone as one of my favourite DLCs of all time.

(And that fight with The Caretaker??? Fucking insanity in the best way.)

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