Reviews from

in the past

Had a blast with this a game. Good tie-in classic from Konami back in the days when they tried and delivered bangers.

Muy colorido, muy divertido, muy veloz!. Un juegazo de Konami algo dificil la primera vez, puro prueba y error! Recomendado.

Buster Busts loose is a game I've heard great stuff about over the years as a licensed hidden gem on the SNES, after playing it I just think it's okay. Not bad, just a solid time that's over before you know it. The Tiny Toons humor was nice, the game sounded great, and the visuals were pretty good too. Not a bad game but it doesn't even cut close to my high regard to other licensed SNES games.

It's like technicolor but for videogames!

There's a lot of good parts here that unfortunately don't come together well enough to make a good, cohesive game. The stage design is top tier but doesn't mesh well with the slippery controls. The mini games are fun but feel rushed. You get the feeling if the developers pointed to any one aspect thrown at the wall and stuck with it, we'd have something you wouldn't need nostalgia glasses to enjoy today.

This game is surprisingly great. A lot of interesting tech for what is essentially a kids game. Also love the sprites and look of the game.

man. what's up with tiny toons games and being surprisingly good? i like the dash attack buster has that lets him run up walls

Foi um dos primeiros jogos de SNES que eu joguei. Lindo e divertido. Só parece fácil.