Reviews from

in the past

people do kind of overrate this game nowadays but I still had so much fun with this game and its movement. ending was sad too, the whole game is just so well crafted and holds up tremendously for being like ten years old

easily some of the best fps I've played, super fast, super short but give you an amazing well made campaign along with some incredibly fun traversing mechanics and brilliant set pieces in each levels. Even when the campaign is really short the game does a good job at establishing the relationship between cooper and BT. It's constant action with very few cutscenes and each level introduces you to a new weapon or ability and keep up at that fast paced action going. Playing this on the master difficulty isn't fun all the time but I still enjoyed it for it is.

Vi uma recomendação do jogo no twitter e decidi dar uma chance.
Gostei do jogo, ele tem muitas coisas do Apex, que é um fps que joguei muito, então foi bem fácil eu me acostumar com o jogo.
A história de Titanfall 2 deixou a desejar para mim, eu não curti muito. O jogo é em fases, tem umas fases com umas mecânicas únicas e isso deixa o jogo bem divertido. Os personagens são divertidos (Jack e BT) e tem uma relação da hora entre eles 2. O modo online do jogo é divertido, joguei um modo que parece COD e gostei, mas sinto que eu deveria ter jogado antes quando o jogo era mais estourado.

Titanfall 2 é um jogo que vai ficar na minha mente como jogo de tiro para se zerar em pouco tempo... e com uma gameplay divertida tbm.
Eu o recomendaria para um amigo que quisesse um FPS com uma campanha da hora e curta.

Best shooter of all time and it’s not even close to me. Story is short but absolutely phenomenal and the online is incredibly fun while also not being focused on grind. I also like how it gives new players decent weapons so they have a fighting chance against sweats

I hate that I waited 7 years to finally pick this up.
Easily the best FPS experience I've had since Doom - a game that came out in the same year, teamed up with this title, and said "hey, what if shooters were fucking fast again?" An utter joy of an FPS with a phenomenal pair of leading characters and a movement system I am now addicted to.
Maybe one day I'll try out Apex. If I ever stop Playing Titanfall.

Fun game, and campaign still held up even on a replay 6+ years later. BT is a great companion.

Don't mention "Becomes the Master" to me.. I think I might call that one quits.

Good story, good shooter. Must play.

So fucking good and innovative, shame it died.

banger multiplayer, and story, only con is there's no titanfall 3 T_T

Dessa vez foi outro amigo que me recomendou (Alô Kroz!), o que dizer desse game, sempre via ele como um secundário random, pensava que a história era fachada para atrair a galera para o online, fiquei sabendo que ele acabou sendo lançado junto de outros gigantes e por isso ficou na sombra.

Mas caramba, que história fantástica, curta porém intensa, gameplay fluida e frenética, e a amizade do Cooper com BT aborda todos os estereótipos possíveis de um jeito muito engraçado e cativante, além daquele final épico - (Não vou deixar outro piloto morrer) S2

The most replayable game ever made

My favorite multiplayer shooter. man is this game fun. also it runs fantastically on the deck!

Masterpiece. Just go play this game

Titanfall 2 is just a Masterpiece, the Bromance between Cooper and BT is amazing and the Story is worthwhile. The best part of the Game is the Gameplay, each section has something new to offer, because of this it never gets boring. The best Gameplay you can experience in this Game, is the mission Effect and Cause.

Stand by for Titanfall