Reviews from

in the past

Favorite Unreal game. Loved the vehicle and general art design, loved Onslaught, and the amount of content the game has for an FPS is insane.

Peak multiplayer fun, no other game has as many built in maps, characters, weapons, or gamemodes. Perfectly balances being a great casual game to play with friends while still having lots of competitive depth. Onslaught is a blast with a full server, with a great blend of vehicle and on-foot combat, and Deathmatch maps are amazingly designed. I can't think of any real complaints besides Epic Games' neglect of these games, this game is effectively abandonware now with the master servers being brought down (OpenSpy makes this a non-issue just use that) and it being delisted everywhere so just download an archive.

Peak, this is the peak of fps multiplayer, if you didnt play this game you lost big time.

Hate to say it but this game is better than Fortnite.

32 player deathmatch was very enjoyable.

If UT2003 was the prelude , this was for sure the full course meal.

UT 2004 sits at the same level as UT99 for me, but with a different aesthetic and feel.

The addition of vehicles was cool, and all the new maps and characters really expanded the world and lore in my mind.

I can't play what is arguably one of Epic's best games. I own the game physically but I can't install it in full because I am missing the last disc. Even though I could've used the CD Key on the Epic Games Store to get it there, Epic pulled all the Unreal games from the face of the Internet.

Fuck you Epic Games.

idk if i played this one or 2003

This game absolutely rocks. Is a classic arena shooter, with a variety of modes you can play. All centered around shooting stuff. The IA is a helluva bitch on hard difficulties, actual cheater mfs so I can't say I completed this game. But Deathmatch and such is a fun time.

Nothing else to say.

Sad that Epic delisted it from...everywhere digital. Ha! I've my copy in a disc, sealed forever.