Reviews from

in the past

I'm honestly not sure how to even approach writing a review for a game that has been in continuous development for 32 years as of this writing. I wasn't even aware of its existence until it had dropped the fantasy bits and been completely rewritten.

What I will say is that it's an admirable effort by effectively one person and one of the better Roguelike derivatives to emerge out of the early 90s while also effectively being the first open world survival game. It seems that over the decades, the core ideas of the game haven't changed too much, but rather have been improved upon with added features and reworked systems. Fans of Roguelikes will pretty much know what to expect here, and while it's not entirely arcane to other players, I think there's a pretty limited subset of people who would enjoy this game in 2024 when I'm writing this.

The first time I played this game my girlfriend broke up with me because I didn't check my phone or contact the outside world or do anything but play this game for like three straight days.