Reviews from

in the past


Played before I created a Backlogged account.

Fast-paced 2D shooter that throws some on-foot sections into the mix. The game controls well, which is important as getting perfect medals in all level requires navigating the levels at a very high pace, all while opening gates and defeating enemies.

The DLCs are a nice addition, even though controlling two mirrowed ships needed some getting used to.

It's just pretty enjoyable, the teleportation works well and it's got a good flow to it. Sometimes it's more trial-and-error than I'd like. Somewhat similar to Splasher.

This is a game that gets more fun the better you are at playing it. You can pass each level stumbling everywhere but the important thing is to replay them and improve your performance. A very Sonic Team type of game. Sadly, towards the end the game forces you to grind like a motherfucker for XP which kind of ruined the experience for me. Still this is a quality game with just some bad decisions.

Gameplay inovadora e trilha sonora excelente. Uma grata surpresa que joguei no PS Vita