Reviews from

in the past

It's fun. I think it's pretty though I've seen some complaints. It felt reasonably F2P friendly to earn cards but maybe I haven't played long enough for that to rear its head. Could probably use more cosmetics.

But there's not really anything new. It's a bang average Digital Card Game that you've played a thousand times. I'm not sure the IP is enough to make up for an uninspiring experience.

This is basically vanilla Hearthstone with a better theme and one tiny tweak on gameplay. It is insanely unoriginal and will not wow anyone who regularly plays these kinds of games.

I have about a dozen more complaints: The starter decks are garbage and it seems like it will be slow to level up collections. They used the exact draft mechanic from Runeterra which recently Runeterra literally turned off because it was a flop. There are cards which are directly superior to other cards, not even different races just directly worse vanilla cards to dilute the card pool. The "value" bundles are worse value than just buying packs.

But honestly the biggest complaint is just the blandness. How many Hearthstone clones have to fail before someone realizes that you need to actually innovate? I have played probably 6 or 7 Hearthstone clones at this point and honestly this may be the LEAST different. It seems like the designers of this game don't have an ounce of creativity which basically guarantees this game will fail.