Reviews from

in the past

Underrated, especially considering the absolute drought of proper JRPGs that started with this console gen but WKC I and II are basically just a 2 disc game. And the biggest problem there is that disc 2 starts off with quite literally walking the entire journey from the first game in reverse. Every single map. All the other Level-5 JRPGisms save the concept for me though. Not a fan of the player created character and the Georama being basically just some online thing. Which is basically gone now but could be the blueprint for Granblue Relink, as JRPG that added some Monster Hunter-esque online function as bonus.

A game that tricks you into thinking you'll be the chosen one but instead has you act as the background servant of some dweeb who turns out to be the real chosen one. It's like if Dragon's Dogma made you play as a pawn.