Reviews from

in the past

Got the Cutting Edge Lei-Shen :)

Probably the best time i've had playing on both a WoW Private Server and an Expansion. i played on the Mistblade Realm from Stormforge.

MoP is an MMO Masterpiece, challenging raids, a lot of content to farm, almost every spec is viable in both PVP and PVE, and Pandaria as a zone is so beautiful!

Nice expansion!
Almost as good as WotLK.

very nice OST, le pvp c'était chouette...

Never listen to the haters this was the coolest expansion also pvp was at its best.

An underrated gem. I remember listening to the nighttime music in the Valley of the Four Winds one evening while doing otherwise mindless dailies and thinking to myself, "I'm going to miss this expansion." I'm indifferent toward the pandaren at best, though I was never bored and the actual gameplay was an absolute blast.

It was also the last time for that players would see Blizzard changing up its patch structure and applying feedback actively throughout an expansion. There were legitimate gripes with a lot of the game's features, but the version we had by the end was a very fine-tuned experience.

I actually loved the pandas. I am not of the opinion that they don't fit in to the WoW aesthetic and I applaud Blizzard for trying something new. PvP in this xpac required an entire bottle of Adderall for you to keep up tho. The Razer Naga was literally invented just for Mists of Pandaria.

I think it's the most underrated expansion of all. Yes, we got WotLK, Legion, but this is top 3. Sure, at first it didn't seem like a big deal, but when the final chapter was released, DAMN. For the Horde players perspective, sure it got emotional.

Also, the landscapes were stouning. They gave me peace when I flew over them.

Icônico né. Trouxe várias mecânicas, nova classe e raça, sem contar a trilha sonora e paisagens lindíssimas de Pandaria.

Blizz remembers us that pandas are a thing

peak warlock design, blizzard are hacks for firing Xelnath. they have yet to make warlock as fun as it was in MoP

El PvP es la hostia, y la expansión en general es muy buena.

The WoW expansion of my prime!
What a wonderful aesthetic and vibe.

I loved all kinds of PvP.

Time has done a lot of favours to Mists of Pandaria. It's a step up from Cataclysm, no doubt, but it's still not among my favourite WoW expansions.

jogo se perdeu 100% a partir dai

Meh. The standout features of this expansion were the new art style and the new focus on gardening and cooking. The dungeons and raids were alright but monks are still a boring class.

Only got to play the second half of this expansion when it was current content, didnt finish all of the zones until now so I feel I can rightfully rate it now. Overall this was a fantastic expansion, the zones are AWESOME, Jade forest is one of my fav zones in the game. The Raids were fun, tons of cool stuff to collect. Hope MoP Classic happens so I get to play it from the beginning again.

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