Reviews from

in the past

played this as a kid and never got past the second boss

после однотипных боссов и мыльной графики я ебанулся

Great movie, great story, great game! breathtaking combat and wonderful graphics for those times. I played on PC. Perhaps it was emulated from PS2 I don't know...can't remember

Eu achava isso irado na época, odiava o gordão lá

This was a good option for a kid with a PS2 who loves Wolverine and just watched the movie.

An awful movie tie-in game. Play the uncaged edition on Ps3 or 360 instead.

Melhor do que parece (não, não estou falando da música do O Terno)

Pô eu já havia jogado e zerado a versão la do 360 na época, mas nunca tinha parado pra jogar essa e até que ela é boa, claro que tem os diferenciais mas ainda assim é um port gostosinho de se jogar, não tenho muito a dizer sobre, achei a história muito boa e a gameplay da pro gasto (fica um pouco repetitiva as vezes).

Acho que a única coisa que eu fiquei muito incomodado é que ele pouco indica pra onde ir ou quando usar as funções especiais do nosso peludao com garras pra transitar entre as fases, fora isso achei tudo ok.

(sim xandas.. mais um jogo de wii 🕵️)

Excelente hack and slash, muito divertido

Excellent time on this "small" BTA game.
Fun and nervous. Surprisigly so.

MA15+ here in Aus, got my dad to buy it despite being almost 15. He didn't give a fuck cause it was just comic book shit, but if he saw the game he might've thought otherwise. Grotty shit ahahha.

Perhaps the only video game adaption of a movie to be better than the movie?



Really solid and fun hack'n'slash, an outlier of licensed games that don't suck.

first game i ever platinumed

shame i lost that account

Foi no 360, mas não tem essa opção.

Achei excelente.

Okay, X-Men Origins: Wolverine the game is WAY better than the movie. It's gory, violent, and actually fun to play as Wolverine tearing dudes apart. The story isn't anything special, but hey, it's a comic book game – you're here to shred stuff! It's a bit janky by today's standards, and the levels can get repetitive, but if you want a mindless hack-and-slash with everyone's favorite mutant, this is surprisingly decent.

Супер игра , легкое управление , немного однообразная , но прошел с удовольствием

Mesmo pra época, essa versão de PS2 é meio capenga, os golpes não tem efeito direito de peso ou impacto. Só era legal por causa dos pulos.

This game was kinda peak back in the day.

I give X-Men Origins: Wolverine a strong 6!

Better than the movie. This game makes justice to a great character as Logan.

I'm reviewing the PC build leak of Insomniac's Wolverine:

This leaked PC build feels more like an experiment gone wrong than a mutant masterpiece. First off, the graphics are fuckin awful that it makes you wonder if your graphics card is just giving up on its life. It looks something you would see from Pokemon Sword and Shield. If you thought those trees looked bad, then you will despise this game. Those damn trees are just flat jpg files which make those SwSh trees look beautiful. AND THEN THERE'S THE GAMEPLAY! The combat feels like the typical Sony game: third person over-the-shoulder action game with The Last of Us gameplay copy and pasted. The camera is also unbelievable, it is insane how many times the camera got me cooked. They ripped the camera straight out of Kingdom Hearts 1! Y’know, if Insomniac's Marvel games only consisted of Spider-Man, Spider-Man Miles Morales, and Spider-Man 2, then I would declare them as a good game dev, hell they could be the best! Spider-Man 2 in particular totally slaps, especially in terms of story and characters. Unfortunately for you Marvel fans, Wolverine exists. Insomniac is washed; they are cooked; they fell off; insert any other phrase here calling them mid.

Real Review:
It's a cool early build lol. It clears a lot of fully released games like Final Fantasy 7 Remake and Starfield, imo.

Um hack and slash divertido, apesar de ser um tanto quanto repetitivo, é uma boa pedida para quem curte o personagem ou jogos desse estilo, desligue o cerebro, arranque pedaços de inimigos e seja feliz.

era muito dificil pro telles criança

o famoso gorofo-like com uma skin do wolverine mas com ideias boas só que e bem visível que e um jogo feito as pressas e com bags bem chatos mas da pra se divertir e bem um 6/10...

What can I say, wolverine but games, surprisingly decent gameplay tho

Joguei quando mais novo, fiquei preso em uma parte e não conseguia zerar. EU SOU MUITO BOM