Reviews from

in the past

mixed feelings on this one…the gameplay is pretty cool I suppose. But like a lot of the rest feels sort of duct taped together.

It’s a solid game but I think it’s barely a “yokai watch” game

kinda meh until you unlock ~ half of the skill tree

Why is it like this. Why do I have to do like 5x the amount of work to befriend one yokai 😭

Crank a kai:
Didn’t give me any cool yokai 💔

unlimited plot but no plot…if you rlly want the plot just watch the tie in movies and show(s)

The yokai:
I ❤️ the new yokai in this game

The blasters:
it being DLC is meh but Level 5 was probably not doing well at that point so whatever. It’s not as broken as Busters 2 and not really as fun as Busters Treasure (ykw3). It was fun in a vacuum though

Why are there so many 😭

if you're playing this without the english patch you're [very dumb and silly and stupid] play it and realize this game is the best in the series

review altered because my last one got removed for using offensive language apparently

As expected for this series, mediocre. Battles are fun at first, but grow tedious quickly.

Pretty solid even if you don't understand Japanese. I think the combat is pretty enjoyable and if it was localized would draw more people in but the story being spread across multiple movies doesn't really help 💀. I think exploration is less of a focus in this game and it feels way less interconnected than previous games due to the time travel aspect. Ultimately, it's a fun experience but I think it lacks in the sheer volume of content as it's predecessors especially in terms of, again, exploration but is still a meaty experience WITH the dlc.

The switch from the 3ds to next gen console definitely can be felt in this title. Not a great game when comparing it to the last few games in the franchise. The only redeeming qualities of the game is it's story and DLC

As an English speaker this review should be taken with an extreme grain of salt but I felt like this was a pretty good jump from 3DS to switch for the series. It has much less content than its predecessors, but is still a good time and has a lot to enjoy. Really want this to get localized.