Reviews from

in the past

It's...very messy and, honestly, I don't feel like I have a compelling reason to go back to it when "Ready or Not" exists. The singleplayer is not well optimized for solo play, which is...uh...and the multiplayer is, and has been since day one, very broken, very exploitable, and ridiculously buggy.

The realistic and tactical aspect can be a pain in the ass with a huge learning curve if you suck at it.

Very fun with friends nontheless!

fun as shit with other people

This game is cool, but it gets very repetitive. All the traps are the exact same, and the maps don't feel very unique. On top of this, the game's graphics are supposed to be realistic but a lot of the map's textures are really low detail so it ends up looking like a Unity assets project someone made in one weekend for a homework assignment. What really confused me is that the firing range was absolutely gorgeous. The way the light reflected on everything, the textures were super high quality, and the guns sounded amazing. But when you load into a level that all just disappears.

The singleplayer campaign is very uninteresting. The multiplayer is everything rainbow 6 should have been.

rating would be higher if ready or not didnt exist

Interesting that there were two FBI games which came out. Pretty similar to Ready or Not game. Think the other one's better, hard to not compare them. This one looks worse but it's 10 euro instead of 35 euro. I'd go with this one if it was my choice and wouldn't want to buy both of them.

I've had this game pretty much since release, and it has gotten exponentially better, and still is. But personally I feel that the "campaign" mode is still not at the state that I deem that fun. The AI behavior feels to off, and the game just feels clunky imo.

I will always be checking back on it since devs are hard at work, and have been always, and with such a fair price it's hard to judge to much.