Reviews from

in the past

Incredible game that doesn't hold your hand and with some major frustrating mechanics and spots.

Best part of the game is definitely the addicting gameplay loop and the story. This was made by 1 person over the span of 15 years, which makes it even more impressive, but also shows some baffling dev decisions and rough parts. Even then, this is one of the best action/side scroller games I've played in a long time.

To preface I got midway through chapter 5 with around 20 hours clocked in before deciding to drop this.

I think my biggest problem with Astlibra Revision is the story itself, which I'm not going to call bad by any extent, it's just something I can't find myself caring about in any way shape or form. The reasoning for this is it follows a lot of trends I've never enjoyed. The biggest being the focus on a <grand adventure> with little room left for characterization similar to things like Xenoblade Chronicles or Radiant Historia. I've never fucked with games like this. You could have the most kickass story of all time but if I don't care about a singular character in that story then that story sux. Honestly though I think the silent protagonist was the actual nail in the coffin for me. It's especially unfortunate in a story like this where instead of someone that could've honestly been pretty cool we get uhhh Mario from da Mario rpgs (he emotes in basically all the same ways including the gibberish talk it's weird).

The gameplay itself is pretty neat, I do actually like how mechanically it's a huge mash-up of a ton of different rpg systems. The combat is also pretty fun outside of how quickly you'll die because the lack of i-frames and enemies doing huge chunks of your health. My biggest issues were the crafting/material system being pretty tedious forcing you to grind for materials & the way chapters were generally structured. There's a LOT of forced backtracking in these chapters to solve some pretty annoying & unintuitive puzzles which I can't really think of any reason to exist outside of unsubtle padding. I may seem like I'm bitching about the gameplay a lot (bcuz i am) but I honestly didn't mind it all that much, it's pretty dumb fun when it's not annoying.

Overall I don't like, I can understand why a lotta people like it doe, I just don't fuck w/ it.

The ultimate 'greater than the sum of its parts' experience


Uma das maiores surpresas que tive em 2024.

Esse jogo ele emula muitas coisas de ys, especialmente os ys que eram side scrolling, mas expande muito bem em questão de gameplay, tornando o fluxo do level design e de gameplay bem dinâmico.

Ele tem adições muito bem estimadas, moldam o estilo de gameplay de forma bem curiosa a depender do uso da Libra e das summons.

O sistema de armas me lembra o sistema de skills em ff9, ve ele aqui abriu um sorriso.

Existe alguns tropes de jrpg aqui, quase como uma homenagem, porém esse jogo vai um tanto além em conceitos que ja era discutidos na era do ps1,ps2, quase como se fosse um resgate de certos elementos.

Fico feliz que este jogo fora feito por uma pessoa com ajuda de algumas, fica claro a limitação X o escopo do projeto no que se diz tanto a narrativa e gameplay, mas ficou bom no fim, é conceito!

Embora existam defeitos consideráveis a respeito do que se diz gameplay e narrativa, o saldo foi positivo, devido ao sua progressão.

Nao joguem em dificuldades como hard ou acima, pois realmente os inimigos viram mobs de mmo e bosses tbm, uma penca de hp e dano lhe esperam, dificuldade artificial....

A trilha sonora brilha algumas vezes, mas é fraquíssima.... uma pena.

better than the sum of its parts.
post game goes on a bit too long. (the game did not need a randomly generated endgame dungeon to top it all off)

You start with a stick, beating slimes and soon are fighting dragons and other epic creatures, a slow and intense, not really boring grind to reach godhood levels, seeing big numbers popping over and over as you slash or explode your enemies.
Developed by a single person in the span of about 15 years, Astlibra Revision is an enhanced version of Astlibra proof of life. It adds a new chapter - and has new art by Shigatake, making it closer to almost being a Vanillaware title.
The plot is as heavy as any RPGs and visual novels, making it an interesting and important point. Hell, so many good time travel stories spawned since its initial development that I feel a little burnt out by them, but it's always cool and exciting to see.
Finding hidden equipment, learning new mechanics and plot details, challenging bosses you missed before, having a huge variety of equipment and customization that make progression extremely fun.
And the soundtrack is really cool as well, mixing many genres and a lot of good and memorable Vocaloid songs. They are memorable, and I still listen to them from time to time.
Chapter four was the lowest point for me, mostly due to story-related reasons. Chapter 3 and everything else gets better as you go, plus the post-game teaches you new mechanics with a lot of content, making it worth your time with a rewarding and fulfilling new ending.
This game is an inspiring indie achievement and I'm glad to have played it. Might play the DLC someday.
Pumpkin Hill Part II -

It feels great by the window, mokyu...!

Are we really at the end, mokyu?