Reviews from

in the past

Back in 1980, I can definitely see how this was a huge advancement for video game graphics, but nowadays… eh, it's ok for what it is. You just move around, shooting tanks, aliens, and what have you, and while it is fun for a couple minutes or so, it doesn't do much else to warrant a replay.

Game #267

Was able to play this in an actual arcade where you actually put your face in front of the screen to give a primitive VR feel and have neat features like a radar. It was a very cool experience, and for sure something I'm playing again if I return to the arcade it was at. But was it that great? Not really. It's an unsurprisingly simple game, but fun enough for the time I played it. Highly recommend it if you see it in an arcade, but otherwise probably not worth playing.

Great tank simulator, realistic for 1980s.

Very simple gameplay, but an important stepping stone in the FPS genre, tank mechanics, and 3D vector graphics.

historia: -
jugabilidad: 7.2
apartado artístico: 4
apartado sonoro: 5
multijugador: -
impacto: 6.5
duración: 7.7
ritmo/agilidad: 7.7
diseño: 4.3


29.1 // 7.27 || 10


B L A C K & G R E E N
I've always sucked at Battlezone. Though I'd like to mention that this game is worth checking out should you ever come across one of the IRL cabinets with the full periscope controller setup. An important landpost in the history of video games.

This was the game I headed to the arcade for!! Love this game and play it everytime I can at Portland Retrogaming.

juego platinado en retroachievements.

It is a very interesting experience when you play thinking that it is a FPS game. The graphics are not its strong point, despite having very interesting effects in 3D. What is really cool is the free movement in the scenario, as well as the aim. It is not a game that I found fun playing nowadays, but it is certainly that kind of game that tests the technological capabilities of the time, and it is interesting to see that.