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Bloodshore is a FMV game about a televised battle royale between high-profile streamers, entertainers and death row inmates. You take control of Nick, who is a washed-up actor trying to win this bloody cash prize, but he has a secret!

The story of this FMV game is a rather fun concept that has been done already many times by many movies and tv-series, but Bloodshore tried to make it a little more interesting with some twists and turns. In my opinion this FMV game is like a B-tier movie, it's bad, but it knows it's bad and it makes it good. There is a lot of humor in it that makes it even more entertaining. There is a lot of bloody and gory scenes, but they are all very fake and not all that well done, but I think that adds to the charm of it. This game made me realize that every B-tier movie should be turned into a FMV game, they would bring a lot of joy for everyone!

The cinematography did an okay job of stimulating emotions, often with the use of close-up shots depicting gore, or hiding things from view that you want to see, creating suspense. I also appreciated that they didn't just use over the shoulder camera angles when having conversations between characters. Throughout the game there are also interruptions from the game host and the talk show host, all of which are cleverly superimposed onto TV screens and sell the illusion of those cheap, tacky, often American reality show TV breaks. They tried to make scenes that looked like people were watching the show on their TVs, phones and computer screens, but I feel like those scenes fell short and the reactions felt very out of place and not all that integrated to the main scenes.

As a FMV game there were things that I was hoping the game would have, that it didn't. A skip scene button was there, but it was mediocre and didn't always work when you needed it the most. Playing this game to 100% was a pain without it, because you had to watch scenes you've already seen multiple times in a row, which, as you would guess, gets a little tiresome after the second time. There was also no proper save game option, which was a pain when there were scenes with random outcomes.

In conclusion, I believe it's a decent enough FMV game, but it has it's flaws. I enjoyed it, but that might not be the same for everyone. If you can get it at a good discount, then go for it, but I wouldn't purchase it at a full price.

Bloodshore (2021): Fortnite La película: El videojuego. Pese a ser cutre incluso para los estándares de serie B y tenga agujeros tan grandes que demuestran que ni han revisado el ha gustado. No es El Juego del Calamar pero ser tú quién toma las decisiones mola (6,05)