Reviews from

in the past

..It's funny and good, I like 3 and 4 more though. Just personal preference. Really good game though

The game that finally managed to build on the DMC series and bring out the best of what the franchise has to offer. Take the lighthearted character interactions and emotional story from 3, combine it with the insanely deep combat from 4, then introduce a bunch of creative new additions. What you get is DMC5, the best DMC made to date!

Story is hardly the main draw for a game like this, but it's worth noting that for those of us who have played through this franchise, DMC5 manages to deliver some great moments of character growth. New characters like V and Nico are welcome additions that fit right in with the lighthearted tone, and Nero has his edges sanded down to finally be a decent protagonist. It's a fun ride all the way through. A nice bonus was the live-action versions of the cutscenes that were included with the deluxe edition. I can't overstate enough how amazing these were, just a fantastic addition to add to the fun of the story mode.

The combat is as good as it has ever been. With 3 entirely different characters to play as, each one being very different to play with and learn to master. Nero is the simplest, with a strong kit that doesn't change too much, but takes a lot of time to get good with, and Devil Breakers to add some customization to your playstyle. V is the most unique in all of DMC, playing more like a strategist rather than an action game character, with entirely different considerations in combat due to his frail nature. Finally there is the man himself, Dante, who is just the most astronomically complicated character to master, as he always has been. The depth to all of these characters and how they play can and will keep you occupied for hours on end trying to learn how to play them, and it is worth it for each and every one.

The rest of the game is also great, with a dynamic enemy roster to fight through, which can be remixed multiple times to keep playthroughs on higher difficulties engaging every time just by throwing a new combo of enemies at you. The bosses on display here are some of the best in the series, each one feeling like an accomplishment to learn their moves and master. The soundtrack is also an absolute bop, with the battle themes for each character being great every time you hear them. One aspect of the game that I do wish was a bit better was the visual aesthetic, with a bit too many grey areas consisting of the majority of the arenas. The visual fidelity keeps the game looking wonderful throughout, but the middle chunk does blend together a bit too much.

It's always great to see a franchise revive itself with a game that oozes passion and talent. DMC5 is a true evolution of the franchise's best traits, elevated with modern game design that makes it the most accessible game in the series yet. I am so glad that this game came out and succeeded. Devil May Cry is a pillar of the action game genre, and after many years, the king has returned.

Una carta de amor a la industria del gaming.
All of these thoughts runnin' through my head
Arm on fire, veins burnin' red
Frustration is gettin' bigger
Bang, bang, bang, pull my Devil Trigger