Reviews from

in the past

Thanks to Plugy I've wasted majority of my 2020 playing this game with the infinite chest space with a Necromancer (now level 56), now playing the OG game with small inventory space with a Paladin wasted my 2022 hours, 10/10 would play again with Dimmu Borgir/Any raw black metal playing on the background being true kvlt af on Norway

A solid game that kept me coming back every so often. Endgame is particularly boring, but the levelling process is fun enough.

This made me so addicted to WRPGs, Jesus...
Back when Blizzard was a good company, ey?

Diablo 2 tem o MELHOR sistema de itens de RPG que eu já vi, fora isso é um ARPG excelente.

there are two kinds of diablo 2 Enjoyers. folx who make a blizz sorc each ladder reset and rush through the entire thing to partake in the exciting activity of opening chests in LK or running Mephisto over&over so that they can finally get that epic green dunce cap that gives +2 to all skills (none of which are applicable IRL, sadly), all while proclaiming this is one of the bestest games ever. and then there are epic dudes (like me!) who play the likes of chargedin or berserker on HC and don't defile their baller plate armor with TAL & ETH, who know that the first game is better because Geglash has nothing on mah main man Farnham.

This game blew my mind! It was like meditation! 

gave irreplaceable damage to the arpg genre that will have it's stay for 24 years to come

Gave me nightmares when I was a kid.
My parents then asked me what I was playing.
Told them "Diablo 2" and got grounded.
They prohibited me from playing a "devil's game" again.

O jogo em si é muito bom, mas por conta dele ser um jogo antigo e possuir gráficos e resoluções baixas, o jogo fica muito, mas muito repetitivo mesmo, e depois fica entediante, mas ele é bom. Vale a pena jogar

I don't actually remember if I played it

A classic, and one of the best games ever made.
Influenced most of the looter type games we see nowadays, and untill Path of Exile, this was the one game everything in the genre got compared to.

I've played it since 2001, and will continue till I drop dead.

When I got to the desert I realized I wasn't even close to finishing the game and it filtered me

Um dos melhores rpgs(se não o melhor que já joguei das antigas), enredo muito bom, te introduz ao universo caótico pelas estradas devastadas pelas hordas demoníacas, bosses realmente desafiadores, e imersão muito boa. Jogo é curto, 4 horas rushado ou cerca de 8 horas se der uma explorada boa, mas vale muito a pena.

Used to give myself nightmares playing this. Have probably sunk over 500 hours into it easy.

May have had some of my first lewd thoughts over the Amazon.

First main was a paladin zeal build, I remember finally killing Andariel and being like, man that game was good.

Then I arrived at lut gholein and my zygotic little brain exploded. Blizzard used to be a sign of quality huh.

Fuck Duriel

This review contains spoilers

Amazing sequel and one of the best RPG’s I have played.

Diablo II is the definition of the RPG genre and the grandfather of all the hack and slash games that followed. It got a solid story, excellent mechanics, great sound and music, good visuals and challenging enemies and bosses.

When comparing Diablo II to its predecessor, it is a huge upgrade. The mechanics have improved, the visuals are much nicer, the spells and skills are way better and there are many more classes and characters to play.

Diablo walks the earth again after a unnamed hero from the previous game slew him and tried to contain his dark essence in his body. It ultimately consumed and corrupted him and gave Diablo free passage to use him as a puppet and spread his evil, including his demon horde and freeing his brothers Mephisto and Baal.

Evil takes over the lands in an alarming pace and a lot of people are either dead or fleeing to small settlements. You start in a camp owned by the Rogue Sisters, an order of fighting women that lost almost all of their members. From here, you start your journey and fight against the Prime Evils.

In terms of graphics, Diablo II looks stunning. It is still 2D, but the art style and the different dimensions and depth the engine uses, make it feel like a fully 3D game. Animations, blood and environments look beautiful and the dark and grim atmosphere the graphics create is just perfect, especially for the open field areas.

Diablo II is split up into acts, each with their own questline, pieces of the story and environments. This is, by far, one of the best aspects of the game, the variety of play. One act you are in forests and plains, then you travel through the desert, then the jungle and lastly, Hell itself. It is just refreshing and stunning to enter a complete new environment every act.

The sound design in this game is one of the best I experienced so far. The blows of your weapon, the hit sounds on enemies, the grunts of Fallen that you kill, the perfect and lifeless sounds the zombies make, it is all perfect. To top it off, the music is excellent. There has yet to be an RPG that can match the atmospheric vibe that Diablo II created with its excellent soundtrack.

The mechanics are great. You got durability on your gear, different quality ratings that your weapons and armor can possess, and, best of all, the crafting system via the Horadric Cube to create more powerful gems, potions and other items. The combat feels more responsive and predictable instead of the one hit deaths that you could encounter in the first game.

The only thing that I needed to get used to, was the fact that you could not save the game without exiting and that the enemies did not stay dead. All the RPG’s that I played, including the first Diablo did save your progress and kills until that point, but as a kid, I was surprised when I saw that all the enemies were back when I started it up again. Nowadays, this is nothing special, but back then, it was a new concept in which you could harvest XP almost infinitely from enemies.

Your inventory has been improved too. There are now many more slots to fill like a belt, gloves and shoes. You can also place gems in socketed items, providing a nice boost on your stats.

The game and its expansion, Diablo II: Lord of Destruction are still played today and the leader-boards remain more active than ever. It is a true testimony for its legacy and rightfully so.

I can only praise Diablo II and would recommend it to everyone.

cookie clicker got a pretty cool revamp wow

As a strictly single player experience, I prefer Diablo 1.

A classic ARPG that is still remembered with rapture and joy that they once knew how to make games for players.

Классическая ARPG, которая до сих пор вспоминается с упоением и радостью, что когда то умели делать игры для игроков.

Another game that I perhaps look upon with robustly thick nostalgia-tinted glasses. I adored the first Diablo game and this felt like an improvement in every way. Back when Blizzard could do no wrong, this got repeated play-throughs with every character, multiple times.

The soundtrack still give me chills, absolute exp of classic rpg

Not bad, but the two-skill hotbar feels awkward to me thanks to modern ARPGs.

coto matamoros hizo maraton de esto antes de ver al diablo.

Forget carpal tunnel from clicking all the time, my pinky was killing me from holding down Ctrl to run everywhere.

I clogged the Secret Cow Level portal by guiding all the cows to the incoming side and the whole server got pissed at me for derailing their fun, game is a masterpiece.