Reviews from

in the past

One of the best 2D platformers I've ever played & the soundtrack fits the game perfectly.

Beautiful, enthralling, rewarding platformer. Honestly, one of my favourite video games, as far as gameplay and visual aesthetics go. Cheap, too!

Yes I really did complete this. Masterpiece of a game

Dustforce is a game that I've been meaning to play for years, It's a platforming clean em up with difficulty that ramps up in a fair manner. Alot of thought was put into the game's mechanics because jeez there's alot of movement options to consider with each character. The game's style is pretty and I really like the soothing soundtrack.

This is a game that demands for you to get good at it and I don't mean that in an insulting way. You NEED to master the game's movement mechanics if you want to progress further. SS Ranking stages is basically a need, which sounds daunting, but it becomes easier as you feel yourself improving, but man trial and error will test your patience. The satisfaction afterward though feels really good.

I managed to get through all the levels and snag 13 red keys, leaving about 3-4 stages I gave up on SS Ranking cause I gotten tired. I know I can definitely do it, but maybe in the future.

I recommend this game if you want a challenging game, or if you love P-Ranking Levels in Pizza Tower. This game is basically tough & tight platforming, cleaning, and getting the highest ranks on each level to unlock harder ones with mastery. There's also a level editor and 100+ community maps so you'll keep busy here.

There is something overly satisfying to seeing yourself slowly get better at what the game has to offer, starting from instantly clearing bronce levels to being scared of golden levels to actually trying to SS them... and then understanding why the difficults were locked behind ALL other levels in the first place.

At least I conquered Giga and popped off so hard I wouldn't discard the idea of revisiting the other difficults eventually.