Reviews from

in the past

for a few ten minutes I thought game was getting better but no. this game is just no.

Está guay la recopilación de ambos juegos y los juegos a mí me gustan, son básicamente una brief story de los RPGs y los videojuegos en general, algo muy guay de ver o jugar.

It's a cool idea, but after the first 3 hours, it starts to be SO BOOOORING


It was fun at first, but it really starts to get repetitive.
Did not play much of the second game though.

This is one of those games that has a really good idea but just can't stick the landing. The premise is that you're journeying through the history of RPG's and the world grows in complexity as you arrive at different generations of the genre, growing from sprites to 3D characters.

It's very charming in concept, but I recall that I quickly found myself stuck and had no idea how to continue. It has a lot of cute jokes and does the whole deconstruction of the genre thing well, but it's a genuine shame that I couldn't progress any further since it was fun while it lasted.

Esse jogo é uma coletanea de 2 jogos, Evoland 1 e 2, e tenho uma review pra cada um deles, vou escrever a baixo

Evoland 1: Jogo mt criativo e divertido mas bem simples, que tomou 10hrs de jogo pra mim, n é nada demais mas era divertido as mecânicas e as referencias a outros jogos, a historia é tosca mas funciona como uma parodia, então funciona mt bem, achei divertido no geral 3/5 estrelas

Evoland 2: esse jogo é MT bonito, a parte visual e mecanica do jogo evoluiu mt des de o primeiro, mas diferente do primeiro jogo, ele é só isso, ele tem uma historia generica igual o primeiro jogo, mas aqui ela se leva mais a serio, parecendo bem mais só um jogo generico msm, diferente do primeiro, e a parte mais legal do primeiro jogo (tirando a historia e as referencias divertidas) era a de evolução dos graficos das mecânicas e gameplay com decorrer do jogo, indo de jogos retro a jogos mais modernos, e no segundo jogo, com bem mais orçamento e recursos, isso foi deixado de lado, ainda existe as referencias e as mecanicas mudando na historia, mas elas acontecem em um ritmo mt lento, focando bem mais na historia generica do jogo, oq acaba deixando ele mt maçante, 2/5 estrelas

dropei o segundo jogo na metade por conta disso, sinto q esse jogo tinha um potencial tão bom, mas acabou caindo no genérico e mediocre infelizmente, ainda sim, recomendo jogar o primeiro jogo pra quem tiver um fim de semana livre, é divertido

I suspect Evoland 1 will put many people off from the game before ever reaching Evoland 2 which would be a shame because it's a pretty solid game. I would probably recommend just skipping to Evoland 2 as they have nothing to do with each other apart from the graphical/gameplay changing over the course of the game.
As for Evoland 2, the reliance on reference humor wore thin but the game itself is good and surprisingly varied. The keyboard controls and UI are pretty clunky.
Overall I enjoyed Evoland 2 enough to be quite satisfied.

Both games have cool concepts, you just need to be very patient with them.


An interesting game dev experiment that doesn't really hold it's own.

I liked how Evoland was constantly changing the core gameplay up, especially in the early game. There's something inherently exciting about opening a chest and getting an upgrade for "better graphics". Evoland eventually reaches a point where a good chunk of the game is dumbed down FF7 turn based battles mixed in with mediocre Link to the Past copycat dungeons.

Again, it's a fun idea but it ultimately just reminded me of better games I could be playing instead.