Reviews from

in the past

I may just be a simple country farmer, but I know that this here is the finest farming simulator east of the Mississippi. I'd take this over stardew valley any day (less social interaction).

Spent the guts of a week just hopping on with friends and piling as many vehicles as possible on the train tracks would recommend

im really into simulators and shit but this game is actually asshole, unless youre a fucking farmer in real life, your ass is NOT understanding a single thing in this game. tutorial sucks camel cock as well. also more boring than watching two quadriplegics fist fight.

goes hard ngl, started with fs 2011 so yeah

i hate simulator games. i tried to go in with an open mind but I couldn't make it past 30 minutes. Truly not for me.

I took a chance on Farming Simulator 22 thinking it was going to be another calm Sandbox game I could relax and enjoy, like Minecraft, however all I got was a boring, empty, low quality game that felt horrendously un-intuitive and provided little to no explanation on how to actually go about playing. The game itself is not unplayable, you just have to hike to Mordor to find the actual instructions and gameplay tutorials. I personally won't be picking this back up anytime soon as it just doesn't appeal to me in any way shape or form. Only 1 star and not half or zero for the fact it looks good.

This is a really harsh score to give out, but this game is so boring. Sim games are so hit or miss because obviously you have to have some interest in the thing you want to simulate. When I first booted in and opened up the menu, I saw crop prices, vehicle management, two different maps each with color coding for crops, weather for crops, what crops are selling. Just a lot of crops. I am sure that this game has a very dedicated fanbase who love to farm away and live their virtual dream, but it's not at all what I want when I play a game.

farming simulator 22 is fun. i find myself completely immersed in gameplay. managing crops is also fun and rewarding. could be hard at the start.

A little underwhelming when compared to FS19, as not much has changed compared to its predecessor in terms of graphics, but the gameplay is really well refined.

When two horses meet in just the right way, you can ride them all the way into space

This game is so relaxing, and I really recommend it.