Reviews from

in the past



I'm in love with Annette and do not need someone irl to make me happy. All I need is my 2D waifu. (this is obviously a joke review don't think I'm crazy, the game is great tho play it)

I did enjoy this but I like my FE games with a weapon triangle and without a monastery that slows down my momentum when iron-maning.

Para mí es el mejor Fire Emblem, lo disfruté más que cualquiera.

Disclaimer: I've only done the Golden Deer (Claude) and Crimson Flower (Edelgard) routes. Both of these routes had really great stories, and it was fun to tailor my army to fit what my preferences as a player are, adding new characters in from other classes who I grew to like, and changing the characters I'd recruited to fit untapped niches, even if that may not be their "optimal" path. The characters open up slowly over time (literally, you cannot finish the final support conversations between them until the second half of the game) and it left me wanting more. Many of them are multifaceted, some with complex motives and internal psychology, and the game shows this off both through their support conversations and monastery interactions (and main story for the lords). I only wish Byleth had a stronger characterization and voice within the story; conversations between them and the students can feel a bit one-sided, and sometimes fall flat as a result.

Since I've played this game twice (and am partway through a playthrough of the Azure Moon route), I've realized that the monastery segment of the game can drag on a bit. It definitely loses it's charm a little on a repeat playthough, especially if you try to do them back to back. Thankfully, the game does have options to just simply bypass it, but, as a result, you lose out on the opportunity to gain support points with your students and max out their motivation to gain as many skill points as possible during the teaching sections. If you want your students to hit an extra class tree, get better at a skill they are weak in or experience many support conversations, this can really put a damper on your progress (unless you want to grind a lot in extra battles). In my opinion, the game is best experienced in multiple separate playthroughs. Play one route, go do something else for some months, and then come back to the game at a later date so the dialogue is a bit more fresh again.

I've played only one route and I picked the worst one

I enjoyed this game the first time I played through it, but as i kept replaying it really showed some flaws. The monestary was good the first time but at some point I don't want to take 30 minutes each time I go there. The months duration really break the pace of the game I just want to advance the story but I don't want to miss out on all the stuff. Also after playing all the routes theres some routes that get more love than others which is really unfortunate edelgards route needed more. Overall most of my problems come from replaying it allot but Fe is built on replayability so oh well.
Marianne and hilda goated tho

first real fire emblem game i played. it was alright and the soundtrack was good but all my friends said i played the worst route so idk

What a little treat of a game but I wish it had more substance

would've rated this 4★ if the monastery didn't look like an uprezzed ps2 game and didn't have chugging framerate

honestly one of my favorites of all time, amazing story and characters, oh yeah, edelgard did nothing wrong

Fire Emblem Three Houses was my first Fire Emblem game, and I wouldn't have it any other way. While I've yet to complete all of the routes, the story is great and the characters are great, too.

I never finished this game but I want to do another playthrough one day

- Black Eagles -: Three Houses really evolves the Fire Emblem formula in an incredible way. Adding the Monastery hub and more social elements does wonders for character interactions and makes you feel all the more connected to your units, especially when they do well in battle landing critical hits or dodging attacks. The story is also fantastic too, being surprisingly gritty and down-to-earth for a Nintendo game.

- Blue Lions -: In Progress

Прошел сюжет за церковь Сероса. Великолепный сюжет, персонажи и аддиктивная боевая система.

i liked the monastery fuck y'all the minus 1.5 stars is for the racism

Good game. My first big Fire Emblem game but i didn't finished it sadly. Also the Timeskip is a bit stupid.

This was my first Fire Emblem game, and hoo boy was it an experance to say the least. So many branching paths and plot twists I was not expecting, and the combat was quite forgiving at times while at others... I felt like every move I was making from turn 1 was wrong. The cast of characters is very strong in terms of the house leaders and some side characters you can get to know. All in all this is a great point to jump into Fire Emblem for a newcomer and will be something you will remember.

This game had zoomers arguing over war crimes hot people committed

I liked the life sim and unit-raising a lot. Ironically the length of the game makes it a bit difficult to replay, but even one playthrough (regardless of route) is more than worth the experience

This review contains spoilers

for all of its criticisms, a game with brilliant storytelling and some of fire emblem's finest, most complex characters. excellent replay value, with multiple routes, endings, and tons of character build customization options. fantastic voice acting and world immersion! shortcomings are the mishandling of some of its portrayals of racism (npcs of color having white character models, etc), the monastery graphics, and de-emphasis on the combat typical of fe for focus on story. i personally don't have an issue with byleth as a protagonist and even enjoyed their subtle characterization.

on a more personal note, claude really made the game. he is a character with an incredible level of both intelligence and empathy, and spending time to learn about him through his supports feels rewarding. i really wish the character and his almyran roots had been explored even further, which likely would've happened if verdant wind wasn't so similar to silver snow. a more independently written route would've singlehandedly bumped the game up to five stars for me. highly recommend playing through verdant wind and s-ranking claude for the most satisfying, hopeful ending. seriously, top 5 characters ever.

in terms of both objective quality and personal preference, i'd rank the routes: verdant wind >>>> crimson flower > azure moon >>> silver snow. if you want to play them all, i recommend this order: azure moon -> verdant wind -> silver snow -> crimson flower. i could really talk about this game forever. safe to say i adore it despite its flaws and it is one of the best rpgs on the switch.

This review is written by someone whose only played through Dummy Dimitri's Dangerous Deathtrap and no i have no interest in edelgard and claude's routes not even if you paid me a million dollars this game is very long and i am very tired i will watch a youtube video instead

What did I not like about this game? ...It's too long.

What did I like about this game? Frankly, everything else! I'm not much of a strategy gamer (actually i quite dislike them) so there has to be some merit to it when it can even get a non gamer of the genre to go- do I like strategy games now?

The rewind ability is a godsend for someone as dumb as me- but, frankly, you could be the worst strategy gamer in the history of the world and still probably win because your house leader one shots everything into the year 2049.

The story is moving despite literally initially being a story about being a teacher to a bunch of middle schoolers. (I kid- but it feels that way sometimes im looking at you sylvain ) And- anyway- the point is- what you thought the story was about initially quickly takes a complete turn which I won't spoil because I think it's better to not know in advance.

The characters are great and it's nice to see your class just... getting along with each other. Separate from you. I wish more games did that.

For a person new to the franchise, this is probably the best game to start with. It leaves a great first impression and I can't recommend it enough.

i tried playing other fire emblem games in the past but didn't like them i didn't play beyond the first hour, but this one somehow is so much better and drew me in way better, great story experience

I don't like RPGs or games with a ton of dialog but this was unusually fun. FInished all but one route during the early pandemic, including DLC. You get tyou money's worth.

It's a dream for FE, anime or RPG fans. Personally, wouldn't ever play it again.

I'm not fond to strategic games, but what interest me to playing this game is its character bonding (getting to know more about the characters) and the main story.