Reviews from

in the past

I love this game so much. Truly timeless. I didn't buy FM22, or 23 because they didn't seem much different than this one. However, I am finally retiring this game as I am probably going to get FM24.

Football Manager games are great and addictive. This is a title I come back to almost every year.

Similar review to my Football Manager 2019 edition but this game was probably my favourite out of 19/21/23.

It felt the most fluid, realistic and generally had the most memories of the 3 so far.
(1.4k hours on Steam)
Controls/Gameplay - its a fuckin spreadsheet email simulator what more do you need.

Graphics & Sounds - May not be FIFA like but everything else exceeds it.

Story - Be your own Neil Warnock.

Characters - Just you and your dumb players who cant be trusted on the pitch 90% of the times

Replayability - This game is LIFE.

Overall - 4.5/5

One of the best entries in the series. You could spend hours just trying to find the best regen with the help of your scouts.

Calling this edition retired now I'm getting stuck into 23. This one felt a lot easier than usual, but I still had a blast and managed some all-time saves.

For my own memory my major saves were Isle of Man, Policoro, Guernsey, and of course my always and forever FM team - FC Den Bosch.

Really fricking enjoyed this, not being into football as much as I used to didn't really matter watching my boys grow was great. In depth enough for some real analysis but easy enough to pick up .

um dos melhores fm, fiz o palermo ser o maior time da itália