Reviews from

in the past

I mean this game is just such a fun concept and really well implemented. Fun fun game

One of the funniest games I've played. Once played this with my cousins and we all had a laughing fit.

your artist friends' favorite game

I am always down to play this, especially animation mode, the more players the better with that mode too!

I’ve drawn so many P****es you have no idea

Why is everyone drawing penises

Adoro esse jogo, pois posso desenhar as piores obras concebidas por um humano

hat uns viele spaßige Abende beschert

I told someone to draw Darth Vader, and at the end they thought their name was Jack Black 💀

I haven't played this for more then three rounds but I can confirm this is the best game ever made.
I keep wheezinghijokfkoeokfefe.

the drawings on this game stay between me and the people who drew them

It's fun when I'm not drawing penises or porn

DO NOT PLAY THIS GAME.............

You will have a laughter and then a heart attack, also imagine playing this without friends lol.

Better play it with your door locked, cause your friends will make you draw a lot of nsfw stuff

I love drawing Deku over and over again

first drawing good, third drawing big penis

Alotta fun with many friends.

“JP jerking off while hanging” -Me, 2023

Esta para pasar el rato y echar un jajas