Reviews from

in the past

its like a link to the past with guns (and racism)

Game Review - originally written by Spinner 8

Imagine Link to the Past, with all the puzzles taken out, and instead you’re given a bow with infinite arrows. Oh, and all the enemies shoot at you. Now you have Gunman’s Proof. You’re a boy in the Old West who willingly becomes possessed by an alien sheriff with the intention of capturing the evil Demi, another alien who probably did some unspeakable atrocities. You live in the only town, in the center of the island, and go through a bunch of sequential dungeons before going through the last dungeon and, I assume, taking Demi down. Pow! There’s some nice additions to the gameplay, like being able to duck under the bullets that are being shot at you, and, uh, shooting diagonally and stuff. Okay, maybe, just maybe this game kinda rubbed me the wrong way. Either that or I got pissed cause I can’t beat the first dungeon boss. I suck so much.

…Anyways, this is, like everyone else will tell you, a Zelda game with a heavy emphasis on action and almost nothing to speak of concerning puzzles or thinking. And the music totally kicks ass.
(editor's note: sorry to all gamers who were hoping to play a game about a gunman doing math, there's no proofs in this game, no theorems, not even a single axiom)

A humorous and visually impressive Zelda-like, the story is silly but entertaining. The gameplay however is not much like Zelda other than its presentation, no real progression based equipment, no puzzles to speak of, and no secrets really to speak of outside of items that give gold (which is largely useless). Still fun and a novel concept.

Overall I liked this game. It's a decent Zelda-style game. Though it doesn't really have the whole "get new item to progress". The weapon system of learning how to use a gun and then it appearing as a drop is weird. I do think the pacing was a bit fast. You just kinda go from dungeon to dungeon pretty fast.

I liked the ghost town dungeon though, a very unique dungeon.

Not a fan that you can miss certain skills in this game if you try to get them too late. It wasn't required, so it wasn't a huge deal, but not great.


Interesting lil Zelda-type. The overall progression is definitely not much compared to a solid Zelda game (you don’t get the kind of freedom and sense of wandering adventure you would in a mainline Zelda title), but it does some cool stuff mechanically and it has its charm. Definitely likes its casual racism, though. Worth a go if you’re interested in Zeldalikes and can get past that stuff.