Reviews from

in the past

A series of short stories of varying quality, some are pure kino, others are.. ok to kinda fucked up honestly, I enjoyed it but not in the same way with R07's other work.

Mixed bag of short stories that doesn't go anywhere in particular. The seventh and longest, Utopia, is absolutely dire.

This visual novel from the "Dragon Knight 07" is a collection of short stories revolving around a couple school students. Each story is quite different and most of the time they're not really connected with each other, but obviously you'll need to have an understanding of those before you even can start the next story. Me, personally, I liked most of them but I can understand why this might not be everyone's cup of tea. There are a few stories that basically just tell that there's nothing you can do so there's not much of a reason for the story to exist (Well, there's only one story like that and I still liked it).

If you enjoy Ryukishi's writing style and how he deals with horror, yeah, you can read this as well. And you'll probably get an enjoyment out of it in some way or another just like I did. Don't expect a "When They Cry" kinda deal out of this game though. It's definitely not going to be a good time if you do.

From his love for horror, to his interests in the supernatural, and even his past experiences as a civil servant, Higanbana encapsulates all of Ryukishi's assets.

Of course, as a collection of short stories, episodes are a mixed bag, and the resolution for each one always comes abruptly, especially the final one.

Having said that, I think this is the best way for one person to start delving into 07th Expansion's works. If, by chance, this novel piques their interest, then they can consider approaching Higurashi and Umineko.

Subahibi without the yuri porn