Reviews from

in the past

it's hard for me to negatively review something that someone clearly put so much heart into but, well, here we are. like it told a nice story I suppose but as a game, I guess I was just bored. it was frustrating to figure out what the game wanted me to do to proceed and after a certain point I just wanted it to be over

Sweet little meditation on loss and realising that your parents are just people too

A poignant story of the complicated relationship between parent and child that was all the more impactful as a parent myself. It asks some profound questions without pretending to have all of the answers. As an interactive story, there’s more story than interactivity, but I didn’t mind as it’s told effectively with beautiful music and a strong performance. It isn’t the greatest game in Annapurna’s catalog, but it is solid and worthwhile.

A beautiful piece of art that goes on a little too long. Finding what to click on can be very annoying. Controlling with analog stick sucks.

A decently effective story about a strained parental relationship. Nothing here blew my mind or anything. It's pretty simple but it's told well enough.

The gameplay consists of a single gimmick that involves rotating the camera to find an object to interact with, or to line up a visual with another to get to the next scene. It gets old pretty quick.

Not the worst way to spend two hours. Recommended if you're in the mood for an artsy fartsy story game with minimal gameplay.

A great title if you're looking for molasses-speed artsy-fartsy clickthrough of loss with genuienly miserable mouse sensitivity input.

In Hindsight, I recommend you avoid this.

emotionals but meaningless with clicking

Annapurna Interactive was in its "justifying emotionally unavailable mothers" era back in 2022.