Reviews from

in the past

A gorgeous game, from the story, to the gameplay. But in particular, I must add a note to the design and look of the Hyper Light Drifters art style; for being only what I can describe as one of the best looking uses of the pixle art medium I have ever seen. Besides the art howerver, Hyper Light Drifter does almost everything else almost perfect as well. The gameplay is tight, and seems relativly fair, with bosses being capable of stunlocking you pretty good if not careful. Such being, from time to time, a slight annoyence, but not to such a degree that is ruins the experiences of fighting. Overall, A must play game.

A pretty short & sweet hack n slash game that takes inspiration from 2D Zelda in ways. The music was soothing, ambient, and can be harsh & drolling in a good way. The visuals sold the storyline without words, and I found that pretty endearing. Seeing a world in ruin with some tech was neat.

The game is fairly challenging I was vibechecked by enemies and bosses a lot lol. The dash was a bit finicky to get used to though.

It's a fun game with striking visuals, fun gameplay, and a soothing soundtrack. Feels like a more action-focused version of FEZ. I enjoyed what I played, but it wasn't long before I saw all the cool stuff and then it was over.

its the same game as hyper light drifter with a bonus zone that was cool. idk. cant improve perfection

First hour: I don't really get this, the setting is cool though I guess.

Next 3-4 hours: oh I'm done and it has been an entire day, woops.

When it gets it's hooks in ya, it really gets it's hooks in ya, y'know?

I bounced off this game years ago but decided to give it another go now that my taste in games has changed. I've gotta say, this game is awesome! I don't think it's perfect but there is so much soul oozing from this game and it is just damn fun. I very much look forward to trying out Solar Ash and Hyper Light Breaker!

Great game, don’t know why I haven’t finished it to be honest.

This title was a lot of fun. Each area was brimming with atmosphere, and I anticipated what challenges waited around every corner. I especially enjoyed the gunplay, as each weapon was fun to experiment with.

The game can be extremely vague about certain things. This is mostly due to a lack of dialogue, as all mechanics are explained using images or context clues. This is usually great, but that does mean it's easy to accidentally ignore certain features. For instance, despite knowing they existed, I never got used to chain dashing or stamina management. The game also likes to hide secrets just out of view. It can be incredibly fun to notice a strange wall that leads to a secret tunnel with upgrade material, but it can also be frustrating when the collectible required for progression is hidden behind a wall inside a jail cell that you walked past on five separate occasions.

Very good top-down hack 'n' slash with a deep atmosphere and enthralling music and visuals. The pixel art is very good, although i found it to be too messy in boss fights to understand every blow. Gameplay is a bit on the hard side but weapons are crazy funny and strong. They can compensate pretty easily any lack of skill you might have against bosses or certain enemies. The only issue i have is that the dash is too restrictive in its timing to concatenate multiple ones reliably, especially in boss fights. The story is one of the most poignant pieces of silent media ever, masterfully crafted in both image composition and music.

Best version is the Switch one. Extra weapon, dungeon and boss are really worth it.

I regret playing this version. There are some performance issues.

It's always lame when extra content (however minor it may be) is console exclusive. I can't condone that practice.

great game. notable for its art style and traversal.

Wife’s Reaction:
“Major Adventure Time and Dead Cell vibes. Creepy and awesome.”

The Fast and the Furious:
One of those indies I had on my radar and never got around to playing. Immediately, Hyper Light Drifter hits with a wild opening, then leaves you to wander and figure out what to do and where to go. It’s fast and challenging and has awesome vibes and style.

all of the content from the original game is as perfect as always but i was disappointed to find out the special edition content was not made by heart machine but instead a completely different studio (abylight studios) and mostly only consisted of one 5-10 minute area with a boss fight at the end of it which was way harder than literally everything else in the base game. they did add a couple new guns which were cool (even though you can't upgrade them for some reason) but the fact that it was all stuff made by a different team of developers made it feel like i was playing fan-made modded pieces of content as opposed to experiencing new officially added components of the game. regardless though hyper light drifter still is a fantastic game at its core, with tight, fast gameplay and rewarding exploration set against an absolutely beautiful backdrop, and despite the lackluster new additions of this edition itself, i would still recommend any version of the game to anyone any day.

unless it was like a evil version of the game or something that'd be a different set of circumstances

this game is soooo pretty but i SUCK at it ugh i wish i could finish it

Beautiful game with fun gameplay.

It will also give you carpal tunnel if you want to get everything in the game