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One of the best damn games I've read and played period. Its a ball-busting fun time going through the labyrinth underneath Galleria Manor as you unravel the story and experience just amazing twists, references to its last game of Labyrinth of Refrain, and see some great character development.

This is one of my first legitimate dungeon crawlers I've completed and let me say it is very grindy if you're going to commit to the true ending (which you definitely should otherwise you won't truly beat the game--yes, I'm going there) and it is wonderfully designed in terms of gameplay. It is pretty simple at first but puppet reincarnation is the most fun part the Labyrinth games have to offer as you can build the most cracked character of all time. The name of the game in the long run is character building because if you understand how and what you are going to build your character to the game becomes extremely fun. Aside from that, you can gain various tools and powerups from exploration and progression making the journey feel much fun as you are able to explore more parts of the Labyrinth.

Compared to Refrain, from what I know, this game is much more polished. Its tutorial and hints are actually helpful and it is paced properly with its difficulty. Sure, you may need to look up a few things in terms of true ending requirements but I can guarantee you it is 100% worth it to do if you want the full experience. Galleria is, simply put, one of the best games up there for me and I think many more people who just love a dungeon-crawling grind should play this.

I have Thoughts on this game:

• The first of the three sections of the game (Alluna) is genuinely one of the best things I've played in a long time. A really touching story of bonding through trauma and societal oppression.

It's generally less dark than the other two sections of the game, but only because the darkness of its themes bubbles underneath the surface ominously, rather than being directly used for shock (something that can't always be said about the second section of the game). While presenting extremely likeable characters, this whole game segment is permeated by an almost constant fear and sense of dread, that is poignantly coupled with the slow reveal of the traumatic experiences its protagonists have gone through.

It'd almost be a hopeful little self-contained tale about women finding community even through their lingering trauma and a hostile world, if it wasn't for its incredibly dark ending that sets ups the rest of the game.

• Alluna is also perfectly paced. I was sceptical of the "play 30 minutes of a dungeon crawler to get 5 minutes of visual novel" structure, but, especially this section, and to a point the whole game, uses the odd dungeon crawler/visual novel dichotomy to dictate pace in really effective and poignant ways.

• The second section (Alstella) is... messier. This game touches on some extremely dark themes, including sexual assault, and while the first section does that subtly and in a way that supports the game's themes; the Alstella section does seem to fall in gratuitous territory in a couple of instances. While I still want to believe that most of the storytelling in Labyrinth of Galleria is done in good faith, a couple of moments are definitely mishandled/unnecessary.

• The grand overarching plot does eventually kinda fall into anime/visual novel tropes. Aside from the shift to high stakes Sci-Fi/Fantasy (which I don't hate but also don't find as effective as the timeless abstract fantasy tone of the Alluna section), there's just so much... minute exposition of things that don't really matter to the emotional core of the story? Storytelling with this amount of moving parts can work, but in this case it just seems to run against the main strength of the writing, which is characters. This also ends up tanking the pacing during the second third of the game, as there end up being very long stretches of game where nothing interesting/engaging happens.

• I believe an amount of odd/spurious details are there to connect this game to other games in the series and... I'm just so tired of lore? Can we just stop?

• The problem with this kind of grand plot is also that, out of necessity, it tends to always end in the same kind of story beats. The likeable and well-written characters give Galleria a strong emotional resonance throughout its whole length, but still, a lot of the Alstella and Grand Cathedral endings feel a bit... uninspired. I'm just not sure how many jrpg speeches about "a flawed but alive world is better than a perfect static one" I can still take. Especially because the rest of the game, is like, very good, and not about that stuff at all. But once you add world-creation powers in the mix you can't really go anywhere else.

• It can't be overstated that the character writing is honestly incredibly good. A lot of the trauma explored in it hits a bit too close to home tbh. But, yeah, it's really good stuff.

• One exception to this is the big villain of the game. A lot of her motivation just... didn't make a lot of sense nor had any real emotional payoff. I get what they were trying to do with her (and with one of the final reveals, which gives a justification to her often bizarrely misaligned plans), but I feel like maybe this game didn't really need a grandiose villain at all. As mentioned, all other characters are complex and compelling and very empathetically written, so I don't think that the forces causing conflict in the world necessarily needed to have a "face" for the core conflicts presented in the story to work.

• Most of the dungeon crawling is excellent. The combat is deliberately designed to have an auto-battle focus, with most abilities being passive or automatic triggers. This is not something I've seen before, and it works really well for a game that's 100+ hours long but doesn't want to be a purely mechanically focused experience.

• The focus on navigation is something less uncommon, but still very well realized. The wall-break mechanic being one of the first things the player unlocks is specifically a really clever move. A huge part of the game is a pseudo-tutorial, which slowly introduces all of the game's mechanics, but being able to explore non-linearly and reveal secrets by breaking walls, makes the exploration feel organic and way less guided than it would otherwise be.

• The art of some of the later unlocked Facets is... problematic? not great? I dunno, it's not really a main aspect of the game, and it's easily ignorable, so I don't want to spend too many words on it, but still, shit like that still kinda undermines the drama of the game for me.

• I love the soundtrack. It follows the usual Disgaea/Tenpai Sato vibes, but with a more dramatic twist. Specifically, the boss theme and the apartment theme are absolute bops.

• Oh! The framing device, wherein the player plays as a phantom who is summoned by the various witches in the game, and not as the witches themselves, is quite clever. It creates a sort of effective detachment from the story which plays well with the visual novel-dungeon crawler dichotomy. I'm also glad that it's mostly an aesthetic and it never really becomes a heavy plot element. It's just a neat aesthetic choice and I can get on board with that.

Ultimately Labyrinth of Galleria is honestly great. I spent a lot of time focusing on the negatives, but overall this is a very powerful story told in an extremely creative and well-crafted way. It had me in genuine tears in multiple instances, and as much as I'm a bit of a crybaby, that's still an impressive task for what could have otherwise been dismissed as "just another mechanically dense dungeon crawler". But at the same time, it Is difficult to ignore this game's many contradictions, which often end up undermining its drama. Playing it definitely requires a high tolerance for this kind of uneven media, and of course, the willingness to play a 100+ hours-long dungeon crawler, but I can say that if you can get through that, it is a very worthwhile experience.

having waited for the localisation for SO DAMN LONG, this game should be allowed to be considered for GOTY 2023.

labyrinth of galleria is proof that you can absolutely have too much of a good thing, but i also refuse to think less of it or rate it lowerjust because of that.
by the end of the second half i started to be burnt out to the point where i decided it'd be better if i just stopped playing and watched the rest of the story cutscenes which isn't something i've ever really done for a game i loved this much. not to say that the game is bad at all, quite the opposite actually! i loved every second of gameplay even if it was definitely of lower quality once it shifts to procedural generation for the dungeons in the second half, the music was spectacular, and the story and characters are some of my absolute favorites! on top of dealing with heavy topics in a way that feels natural, galleria in general has some of the most (and probably some of the only, to me at least) natural and human portrayals of lgbt characters in any game i think i've ever seen. the fact that the game is explicit about it in all cases but one without being heavy-handed about it means a lot to me. overall i absolutely love this game to death, it's just that i think i have a hard time with such huge time sinks and get stressed when i start spending so much time on any one singleplayer game, and i didn't want to get burnt out on an experience i loved so much. i'd definitely recommend checking this one out for any fans of drpgs, especially if you don't mind the massive commitment some of its later dungeons expect of you, and even if you aren't a fan of drpgs necessarily the story here is amazing and worth experiencing.

Game-play and story wise the game was great, but I really wish the dungeons had a little more variety (having played this soon after Refrain only made it worse)

That said, it was lots of fun and just like in the prequel I ended growing fond of the main characters.

the finest jrpg gaming has to offer

genuinely blown away by this game. incredible ride of a story whose twists and turns keep inventing new ways to hurt you, an all-timer.

Over 100 hours of gameplay.
Became the most comfy video game I've experienced in my my whole life. Easily my second favorite video game of all time just behind Utawarerumono Futari no Hakuoro. Storywise, it's magnifique, got tears in my eyes. For the gameplay, sure it's a grindfest, especially when you reach the 2nd half of the game, but surprisingly I can't get mad at it. I don't know if it's because this is the first NIS game I've played, but I don't thing that's the reason.
This is truly a great dungeon crawler game.