Reviews from

in the past

The combat is extremely repetitive, the story is good, it just lacks some details, and the voice acting is the best part. It's a good game that feels dated like it should've been released in the early Xbox 360 era, it could've been a lot better.

Um dos melhores indies que ja joguei.

Pretty solid story game. Game play got way too repetitive, but it was enough for my brain to focus on while I was sick. Sunk a pretty solid 15-20 hours into the thing which is a great return for spending around $4 on it.

I really like the Burton-esque world and characters and I love the combat's mechanical concepts, but the controls are pretty clunky and I didn't find the story to be that interesting.

La importancia de amar tu origen y los tuyos, la solidaridad como salvación entre los miserables, el engaño de la posibilidad de ascenso social, la corrupción que da el poder.

En definitiva: una buena historia sobre la clase dominante desangrando y manipulando al pueblo para su propio interés personal.

3D platformer adventure game with interesting dice based combat mechanics. It's jank and a bit repetitive but also full of charm. The stylized visuals are great!

I like the art and the concept, but I just played for a few hours and got tired. The gameplay is not really my thing, feels rough and not that fun for me. I think that as a 3D platformer it would have worked better.

Story 4 | Gameplay 3.5 | Audio 3 | Visual 3.7 | Details 4 | Entertainment 4

Total 3.7

ambiance, presentation generale etc assez attirante, mais rythme tres incertain, et sensation de pas polished/bien fini assez présent du début a la fin

What I love about my adventures in virtual space is the variety. Thousands of game worlds still remain unconquered and attract me with their landscapes, forcing me to constantly move forward. Lost in Random was supposed to be an ordinary transitional world for me between two complex segments of the event, but instead I plunged headlong into a tragic and dark story about human feelings. What I saw shocked me, because I did not expect to see such a deep and elaborate story, wrapped in a bright wrapper. But first things first.

Well, my dear listener, here we are approaching the gates of the magical world called Uncertainty. These lush lands are inhabited by a wide variety of creatures, whose lives are inextricably linked with dice. At first, it seems as if these neon signs, loud voices of barkers and the roar of crowded cities create a feeling of an eternal holiday where everyone is having fun and having a good time, but in fact, amid the roar of firecrackers and the shine of sparklers, terrible tragedies unfold. This world is ruled by a cold and gloomy Queen, who determines the fate of people with a throw of the dice. Once upon a time, the gates of the united kingdoms were open to everyone, but now they are tightly locked. The worst thing the Queen did was with the Lords of the Dice, whom she mercilessly destroyed, because no one dares to control reality except her. In addition to wars, atrocities and horrific cynicism, the kingdoms were forced to pay the Queen a terrible tribute - to hand over children who turned 12. Upon reaching this age, they were obliged to roll the Queen's personal dice, which would determine their future fate. The lucky ones who got sixes went with the Queen to a magical city where all dreams come true, and the losers who got twos and ones were forced to eke out a miserable existence in poverty.

The heroine of this story is young Ewen, who goes on a great journey following her sister Odd, who was “lucky” to get a six, while celebrating her twelfth birthday. Ewen loved her quiet life with her parents and was not embarrassed by the fact that she was born into a family of scavengers. But the brave girl could not stand the fact that someone else dared to decide the fate of her family, even if it was the Queen herself. Enlisting the help of a magical dice, Ewen organizes his own crusade to the castle of the Tyrant Queen, confidently making his way through crowds of evil robots.

Lost in Random will invite the player to be transported to the magical world of Uncertainty to help the heroine named Even achieve her goals. The gameplay is divided into two parts - exploration and battles. In the first case, we will interact with characters, solve puzzles and complete side quests, and the second part will become our integral companion throughout the game. The battles in Lost in Random are a card roguelike with a deckbuilder in special arenas, where we will clear waves of opponents, create our own decks and collect new cards around the world. During the battle, Ewen must shoot blue crystals with a slingshot, which will charge our deck, giving us random cards. During the roll of the dice, time will stop, and we will be able to think about which combination of the cards presented we will be able to implement. Each card costs a certain number of action points and it is the roll of the dice that will determine our further capabilities. There is quite an impressive number of cards for creating a deck in the game, and here everyone can find their favorite combination. Some will play through poison and statuses, some will use numerous bombs and minions to help, and some will focus on magical weapons and power-ups. Despite the fact that the combat in Lost in Random is monotonous and devoid of action, the battle process itself looks spectacular and interesting.

The visuals and musical accompaniment in Lost in Random are pleasing to the eye and refer back to the times where Tim Burton created and created worlds. I don't think he had a hand in creating the world of Uncertainty, but what I am sure of is that the developers were inspired by his work. Many people mistake Lost in Random for just another children's game with naive characters and a friendly environment, and I sincerely regret that they did not allow the game to show itself from all sides.

Lost in Random is a difficult and serious story about growing up, losses and overcoming one's own capabilities. The game is replete with psychologisms, which are reflected in the characters and the heroine of the story. The developers were able to perfectly convey the serious message of the story through the eyes of a child who does not understand why the world is so cruel and adults turn out to be selfish. Helping various creatures, Even learns to survive in the complex world of Uncertainty, without losing the firmness of his convictions and life principles. I was surprised that the authors were able to build a coherent and interesting story in the toy world and, at the same time, not lose the degree of intensity of what was happening to the fullest.

Vibe is immaculate, but the gameplay leaves something to be desired.

I was suppose to stop playing after the first boss. I'm so glad I didn't stop. I ended up really enjoying the combat and plus the humor of the game

I wish this game didn't play like an early PS3 era game because the writing is great

You ever come across something that not only has its own unique touch to something but which feels tailormade just for you, like this quirky idea came directly from your own brainstorming/daydreaming session - and then you realise it doesn't actually translate as well into reality as it did in your imagination?

Before we get to that, I do have to highlight that Lost in Random is a good game, and perhaps above all an immacutely presented one. Everything from the art style to how it's realised through the graphics and from the environmental design to the supremely well done voice acting (with its cavalcade of regional British accents to boot!) is genuinely incredible. Zoink Games' release history prior to Lost in Random mainly involves a lot of mobile games and random minor releases, but this game - their big break of sorts - came to fruition through EA's "EA Originals" scheme and the studio have put their big budget backing into good use by making sure they present their vision as superbly as they can. The style is obviously indebted to Tim Burton's fever dreams (though in strictly video game terms I'd say Psychonauts x American McGee's Alice, though of course both owe magnitudes to Burton themselves), but Zoink have created a world that feels their own. The world of Random is split into six realms under the six sides of a die and they all bring something unique to the world and the story that makes you want to explore each of them: some are seemingly inconspicuous, some inherently surreal, others quietly sad. The atmosphere, too, is very well crafted and all in all, it's an enchanting world to traverse.

The basic gameplay of Lost in Random is simple: a young girl called Even haphazardly wanders through the world of Random in search of her sister Odd, captured by the evil Queen who conquered Random years ago and twisted it into a pained shade of its former self. Even explores the various hub areas and "dungeon" sequences in third person, doing simple side quests, picking up limited amounts of collectibles and smashing countless posts for errant cash - all very familiar from many 3rd person action platformers, though this time with less platforming given Even can't jump on command. Instead, the big focus in-between all the story parts and ad hoc character conversations is the combat. And that's when you get to those bits I referred to in the first paragraph.

The combat of Lost in Random is built around a deck of cards that Even accrues throughout her journey, forming them into a 15-strong hand that she takes to combat: these cards provide her with all the weapons, traps, buffs, debuffs and crowd control that she needs to defeat the Queen's robot army, and for the player to come up with their strategies based on personal preference. Even can use her perfunctory sling shot to break crystals that appear on enemy bodies, the energy from which she can use to draw 1-5 cards from her hand when she rolls her anthropomorphic die pal Dicey. Depending on the side Dicey lands, she gets 1-6 points to use on the random cards her hand has assigned to her this throw (each with their own value) and the world around her freezes when you devise a strategy and position Even where you best want her to be. And... well, I not only love deck builders, but one of my favourite game mechanics is having to devise strategies out of semi-random variables and with the time freeze you ever get a vague sense of turn-based combat. You couldn't come up with a recipe that I'd gobble up more heartily and I couldn't believe my luck when I first learned about this mechanic after going into the game blind.

The problem is, the more you play the more the combat becomes something you actively want to avoid. It's novel and fun for the first few chapters as you're learning your tricks, acquiring your cards and playing around with them and slowly getting more adept at forging combos. It's also really slow (both because of how it operates but also because each combat sequence features multiple waves) and you start to feel that more strongly the further you get in the game. The pool of cards you can find/unlock is shockingly small and you can easily run out of new tricks to discover by the halfway point, and though the game tries to hide this by giving you multiples of the same card to bulk up the roster, with a 15-card hand limit the idea of adding duplicates into your hand (beyond the "+1/2 free points" cards) doesn't seem worth it. This also means you stop experimenting and it's dreadfully easy to fall into the most utilitarianly effective hand well before you reach the end. The combat also always starts like a chore and boring with Even having to chip away the crystals to scrounge card energy without doing any damage to the enemies, and you're stuck doing this until your hand finally graces you with the tools you need to actually kill (which in return gives you more crystal energy so you can keep the flow going). A few times during the game they'll try and spice up the combat by adding light puzzle mechanics, but this always boils to down having to face limitless enemies with arbitrary stops in-between. The boss battles are particularly sluggish in this regard as you find yourself repeating the same actions over and over again for 10-15 minutes (pro-tip, use the poison DOT card because the poison continues to run even during mid-fight cutscenes). It's a whole monkey's paw situation of genuinely excellent ingredients turning into a middle-of-the-road recipe, and you can't really avoid it because besides some side quests which are largely just "talk to x character and report back to y", the combat is the primary gameplay element of the whole experience (though you can tone the difficulty down to make it breezier if you want to speed things up).

It leaves me with slightly conflicting feelings about the game as a whole. It's a good game and I genuinely loved exploring the new realms and finding more whimsical characters to speak to, but after a point every time I encountered an obvious battle arena I audibly sighed in pre-emptive boredom. There's a wonderful idea there but it just needs more balancing or simply just more of everything - different cards, hand limit upgrades, enemy variety. Still, the overall feeling I left the game with was more positive than negative, and given this drops in discounts to around a fiver regularly, the barrier to entry is minimal. If you love whimsical worlds crafted with love and full of character, Random is a great place to get lost in - just be mindful of the occasional traffic jams of robots wanting to murder you.

Few random FYIs. One, the game doesn't allow control customisation so if you don't do WASD, you need to get your gamepad out. Two, even if you get this on Steam the game will still launch through EA Origin (Steam will simply give the command to launch the game through Origin), so just be mindful of that.

I started playing Lost in Random and boy am I enjoying it! You can feel the atmosphere of Burton and Gaiman here. All the characters and locations look fantastic. In addition, quite original gameplay and an engaging story. However, the game wins mainly because of the world and atmosphere ❤️ It's just a pity that these cards are so RANDOM, which is why the game can sometimes be very annoying during combat.

Alice in Wonderland if Lewis Carrol was a pathologic gambler

Ok, eu tentei levar o game, mas infelizmente algo nele me desapontou.
É um jogo divertido até certo ponto, depois se torna repetitivo...
Sua historia é boa, apenas...

Within the clunky and repetitive gameplay loop, it manages to shine a bit with its sweet visual style and dice mechanics. With a more polished level and game design, it has the potential to be a memorable mini-classic.

Lost in Random apresenta uma história muito simpática em um mundo criativo e com personalidade. Entretanto, a criatividade do combate misturando ação, cartas e roladas de dado se esgota muito rapidamente tornando boa parte do jogo maçante.

This has to be a somewhat hidden gem from recent year. If you love Tim Burton's stop motion movies you're going to love this game's artstyle because they wear their influence out in the open. And there's so much to look and marvel at that sometimes it feels like the gameplay gets in the way.

The world building and character gallery is absolutely amazing and the amount of creativity poured into this game is wild. The only negative thing regarding this, is that the game is VERY monologue heavy, as in at lot of the side characters are fleshed out with a lot of back story and boy to they want you to hear ALL of it. Sadly sometimes less is more, because after the first few worlds it starts to get a bit exposition-y.

The balance between exploring and figthing is okay, but towards the end the battles tends to be a bit on the repetitive side, and even though the mix between action and deck builder is fun to begin with it lacks the necessary depth or "fun" factor to last through the whole game.

This review contains spoilers

I have a confession, I went into this thinking that I was gonna not like this at worst or think it was gonna be hard and it was just my fault for adoring the art at the best because at least it was mostly my fault for going into this blind.
I was wrong.
I was really wrong, I loved this game, I loved it so much I finished it in a near week (makes me kind of regret not logging it in the journal feature, I could try to stream it on twitch one I figure out how to tie my twitch account to my PS4 so I could play this like when you want to watch a movie that is less horror and more Henry Selick's work of spooky movies, I don't know what one example to choose for this.)
why could it be? the writing, the story is written like a child like fairy tale story with darkness, at some how feeling like a Heroes journey kind of plot line, the humor, the art, the way the action was done in a way that a noob like me could play it.
I think the biggest reason is that like above, most of it probably my biases for things i like but the story is a little personal for me, also i need to warn you that I quite frankly don't care about spoilers so i did know the plot twist.
what I didn't know was how I was gonna start crying as Natalya said this to Aleksandra at the end in one line.
"We'll play again, Okay? Just you and me"
it used the concept of the game itself a board game, card and dice motif , the context of where and who this is being said two not only to tie into the story but to also make it really sad, at least to me.
yes I hated the cliff hanger ending (also I think I am also partially biased due to my stubbornness around Egglia: Rebirth due to the game being beautiful with a dice mechanic but it is still has some pains I am annoyed by so I am more likely to forgive this.
but I just adore this and I am sad that I did not get a chance to play this earlier and there has been no physical copy of the game released at all. I hope the people who made this could maybe make a sequel and maybe fix some flaws with the game play because it brought be enough joy to change my profile to add it to my favorite games (and add a spot of my childhood games I adored onto mu written bio).
hope the writing in this was not horrible to read, I just love the game so much.

Great game, very unique combat style. Started off a bit slow but once you got into it, it was really good. Voice acting was amazing. Very TIm Burton/Nightmare Before Xmas vibes.