Reviews from

in the past

An overall improvement to the previous game. This game has a heavier story, with the MC talking, its actually kinda crazy. The music is even better. The combat is even better. There is more strategy witht eh demons. I actuaally made a notepad because it was really exciting learning more about this. There is more party memebers and they aare relevant to the game. I like the more dynamic maps and sci fi setting. This game still has a bit of a slow down like its predecessor, but I found it to be less annoying and time consuming. There are like 50 stages to thsi game and I am currently at half way. Honestly, charming and memorable when looked back at it

it's smt tactics idk what more to say. i have not reached my tactics freak phase so i will not be playing this thoroughly. great background art tho.

This is an INCREDIBLY cool game! The story is dope, characters are all great, endings interesting, and music FANTASTIC
Unfortunately though, the gameplay is still kind of a chore, MUCH better then Majin I thankfully, but still not good.

So, first things first: if you play this game on original hardware without any sort of speedup function.

This is a 0/10 absolute piece of fucking dogshit, horrific abomination of a programming mistake, how the actual hell did they make this game slower than the first one??? Why the fuck do I need to watch every deactivated enemy do Nothing? Why does field movement take SO LONG? Why are battles so slow, even with animations turned off????

But, if you do play this with speed up like I did, then this is honestly a really, really fun game!

The stages are designed incredibly well, always challenging but never unfair, and the plays you can make them in make you feel really smart!

The difficulty is pretty good all throughout the game actually, and while balancing is a bit off with how much better flying units are above all the others, very few of the demon races are outright "worthless", specially in the early game, and compared to the first game, your human protagonists don't become completely worthless near the end which is really good (tho they honestly get kinda, too good... I had one of my party members min-maxxing speed and attack and he killed the final boss in one turn).

Writing's quite good, the characters were endearing and bounced off of each other pretty well, the ending I got felt kinda weak but, that was the Neutral-Neutral ending so, who knows, maybe the other endings are better!

Visuals, I felt initially were really weak compared to the first game, but honestly? I've come to really like them! The GPS system aesthetic is done really well and it makes the game really readable.

Music is also Stellar but, if you play with speedup like I did, it unfortunately becomes too sped-up to be good.

So overall, a VAST improvement over Majin Tensei 1 and a really, really good game in its own right! I'd highly recommend this one if you like TRPGs!

While still being a very slow game, Majin Tensei II improves on everything from it's predecessor. It has tons of charm, rad visuals, a great soundtrack, intriguing characters and an interesting story. But it is still a sluggish, frustrating game with pure evil level design at times. It's still a fun game at it's core and Ogiwara is awesome

Peak, I’m afraid. When’s Majin Tensei 3?

enemy phase so slow I'd turn into a corpse without the fast forward feature of my emulator