Reviews from

in the past

This final DLC is better than the previous two, even though this isn't really new ground for Storm stories. The finale mission that comes along with it is also better than expected without bringing too many surprises.

I think I have seen this exact Storm story on the X-Men animated series. Morlocks in trouble, Storm helps them, they are paranoid but develop grudging respect for her in the end. The twist is vampires because that is the theme of the DLC. It works well enough though it doesn't feel very connected to any of the others.
The final mission is basically just all four of the DLC characters and Blade attacking Dracula's tower. It has some humor that works and some that doesn't and the final stinger is really dumb!

Storm's mechanics are cool. Most of her cards have effects that increase turn over turn if you don't play them. It gives her gameplay a build-up style that fits her power and personality. It is unique and fun.

I liked this DLC and it is a solid end though not quite as good as the Deadpool one.
I definitely enjoyed playing through these expansions more than the base game!