Reviews from

in the past

The combat mechanics and progression are fantastic. 5/5.
The writing and therefore the relationship management mechanic, which are a crucial part of the game, are terrible. 1/5.
The graphics are terrible for a 2022 engine. Seems like Firaxis just took their XCOM engine and shoved narrative animation into it, and it does not work. 2/5.

The combat and progression is SO good, the game is quite tolerable if you skip all the narrative and relationship management you can. But you still have to pay attention to everything your skipping to make sure you catch enough context to interact with the relationship mechanic appropriately enough to effectively progress your abilities.

This game could have been a 5/5 with compelling writing. As it stands it's one of the most overrated games out there because the writing is SO bad while simultaneously being SO necessary to pay attention to for combat progression.

I'm pretty big on turn based strategy and deck builders so 'Midnight Suns' scratched a real itch for me. Factor in the Marvel coat of paint, a fun story and well realised characters - meant I had a blast with this

At the same time it isn't perfect. Over-monetisation in a single player game is something I'm never going to get behind, even if it is only for cosmetics. The graphics were also a bit hit and miss. Combat looked great but outside of this, the characters looked very stiff. Getting further into nitpick territory now, but the gameplay also really would have benefited from a speed up option. Watching the same enemies do the same shit at a snail pace did begin to grate slightly once the novelty wore off

Overall, a very fun game which I nearly put 100hrs into. It's a real shame it made no money, ending any chance of a sequel

Firaxis has designed another fantastic battle system, as is to be expected.

The storyline wasn't bad, and the social sim elements were suprisingly good, though both felt like they dragged too long. The game could have done from being a good 20 hours shorter.

Public perception made me think this game was bad, but then I tried it…

Amazing, felt like XCOM, Mass Effect and Ultimate Alliance mixed into one

Loved the story and combat but the general missions got a bit tedious even tho it is needed for xp

Ending was a bit underwhelming but really pulling for a sequel with that post credits scene even tho it probably won’t happen
