Reviews from

in the past

(NOTE: This game is still playable via Flashpoint Archive.)

The game is a very simple Flash chatroom but somehow it was very popular back in the late 00s/early 10s. There's not much to do, other than roaming the moon and flying to a miniature Earth. It would've been cool if the developer added more maps or other planets to fly to, but since it's such a small game I often played Sherwood Dungeon instead.

What an anomaly this was. The novelty of reduced-gravity jumping lasted a while. And there was a moon vehicle too I'm pretty sure, which was probably fun for a few minutes. Among the various ways to kill time in a web browser as a kid, this was one of them.

Sendo da mesma desenvolvedora, acho esse jogo muito melhor do que Club Marian. Além do foco no social, tinham vários "minigames" legais de se brincar envolvendo a gravidade: dirigir, jogar bola e — o principal, que era praticamente como zerar o game — chegar à lua!

playing w that mini earth was so dope haha