Reviews from

in the past

Cleared on August 25th, 2023 (SEGA Genesis Challenge: 36/160)

This is my second rodeo in Sega Genesis racing and while I thought Super Hang On was ok, it was a game from 1987, Outrun 2019 is what I call a radical racing game. It's fast and frantic and the controls feel more fluent. It also allows you to automatically boost at a threshold instead of having to press it manually which allows you to focus on holding just one button although the option for manual is still in tact.

The visuals also looks so nice too, and I just love the music. You know, I know I said I never really called myself a racing game fan. It's a type of genre that never really grabbed my attention throughout the years or at least for a good while. But this game puts a bit of perspective as to why its an appealing genre. Yeah, racing cars is a fun sport for some people to watch as it is to play, but I think the appeal for me is just listening to awesome music while cruising along your epic rides, and this game understands just how important music is in the racing genre to add high stakes for players to race to the finish. Of course, the visuals also add onto that.

I also like the multi-routes they implemented, so if there's one route you think is giving you trouble like the ones with high roads that you could easily fall off of, just take another route and hopefully have an easier time. The CPUs are rather annoying as just bumping into them can disrupt your boost if you're already on one, or otherwise just really slow you down because you're on a time limit to get to the goal, and sometimes it feels deliberate as if they don't care about their own safety, they just want to make your life miserable. The good news is that bumping into side obstacles like signs or trees are not as consequential as you just spin around for a moment and get back on. It really pays to ride cars instead of motorcycles. That aside, if you hit an obstacle with enough force, you can still flip over, so watch out.

I don't have much else to say about this game. It's so short that I was able to sneak this game into my schedule before it's time for me to go to bed and you could knock it out in 30 minutes or so.

It makes you wonder simultaneously why the og didn't have the creative direction of this one, and what kind of dark magic where they using for it to look SO AMAZING in the 80s. Anyway, with these games once you play one you know what to expect with the rest of them, and they all are vehicles to how inspired or capable the art department was. I really liked it. In particular I love how the Yugoslavia and the Hong Kong areas look.

The coolest OutRun sequel so far and the one that feels like a real successor.