Reviews from

in the past

Short game with some of the most thrilling combat I had the pleasure to experience, there is a story but I'm going to be real it's not great and not the reason why you should experience Overgrowth. I loved it so much that I'm going to overlook the bad platforming included in the game only to pad out its length.

Absolutely excellent combat.

It's difficult to rate a game that's both a shadow of its own potential and at the same time being so good in its core mechanics and game feel you can't help but go back to it.

so so fun a game i always come back to just for gameplay but not much story

I did enjoy this game when playing it for youtube because I got to be silly and do voices for each character, in terms of sitting down and playing it in silence for the enjoyment however. It would probably be a different story. The fighting in the game can be very simple to the point where you can pull similar moves during the whole playthrough of the game. The story I would argue is good, the way it is told is mild but I didn't mind it. I would recommend this game on a sale.

i want more experimental games like this

coelhos chutando cuelhos cus chutandos couh3r1

not sure how i got 15 hours in this but it is Okay At Best

Probably one of the biggest missed opportunities in gaming history, and the fact its 4 stars even with that, its a testament to its quality. Best combat ever, generic campaign, Therium-2 is good tough.

Крайне весело перемещаться и сражаться в игре. Арт-дизайн уровней и персонажей оставляет желать лучшего. За сюжетом не следил, но говорят, что не очень. Однако, всё равно 4/5 просто потому что боёвка и паркур очень порадовали.

Very innovative, I just wish that it was longer. This is the type of game, where you can kind of say it has unlimited content, because of custom maps and mods. But a lot of those mods lack the charm of these developers.

a random whim possessed me to replay this game a couple days ago and i'm so glad it did. i'm a big fan of diamonds in the rough, and this is such a great example of that... the combat mechanics are unintuitive and severely punishing, the platforming is floaty, the plot is esoteric and convoluted, and if you wander even slightly off the intended path everything starts to look like a cheap asset flip.

but like with other diamonds in the rough, you get out what you put in. it can take a lot of good faith and effort, but the reward can be spectacular - cinematic kung-fu fights under frozen waterfalls, creative and original worldbuilding, creating traps for guards with well-placed bodies, writing holes that compel and inspire the imagination rather than break immersion... it's a clear passion project of a game, and i adore it for that, warts and all. an odd, idiosyncratic kind of masterpiece, which might be the most special kind of masterpiece of all

Cool game engine and mechanics! But that's all there is to this game. More investment to the narrative, presentation and substance would have been nice, rather than overreliance on modders.

I don't know why I was ever excited for this garbage

The combat is fantastic and satisfying, the platforming is fun and responsive. But the story is barely a story and not the best written. I never rolled my eyes or anything at it, or found it boring, it's set dressing more than anything. More of a, "Here's more of a reason to kill these people!" than an actual story. Also, the game is short. It took me 8 hours to beat all the pre-made campaigns, that being said, all of them had really good levels with fantastic gameplay. And one even had a good story! (at least in comparison to the others) that being Therium-2 which I highly recommend, multiple endings, ways to beat the level, secrets, etc. The main campaign and it's prequel are fun too, with very well made levels and scenarios. But this game ultimately feels like a tech-demo or early access to show what the dev is capable of.

Would I recommend this game at full price? No, unless the gameplay just really calls to you. Half price off or around that for everyone else? For sure. The gameplay is great, the mods are quite great too! Speaking of, if you're a rougelike fan, there's a fully working randomized world rougelike that has tons of new mechanics and an open world to explore, so that in itself will add many hours to this game for fans of that type of gameplay. Ultimately I recommend it, just either wait for a sale, or if it really seems like your type of thing, get it now.

Fast paced and very odd, but extremely fun combat. It feels like it shouldn't exist, but it does against all odds. But it is definitely an improvement over its predecessor even though it looks like hot ass, mostly.

Original steam review:

This is a fantastic little game. I had played Lugaru briefly way back from the first humble bundle, and didn't get much into it. It was a little aimless, and a little obtuse in its objectives.

This one takes a lot of the problems from Lugaru, resolves them, and adds many more nigh necessary creature comforts to the game's presentation, along with several graphical improvements. It's not going to tax your system most likely, but the small improvements help, especially with character expressiveness. I don't know one way or the other about the story in Lugaru(although I guess I do now, as you get three separate stories by default, with additional modes and mod support), but while the games seem a little straightforward, the presentation of the story is well-executed.

The combat is extremely fun. I haven't played a game with a combat system quite like it personally. I really enjoy how it feels to get into a scrape. If you watch a documentary of animals hunting, it feels as quick and brutal, as vicious but also narrow and instinctual. And while it is tough, it isn't extremely punishing because it is broken up in levels, with quick restarts.

The rubbery movements of the characters adds a certain charm, and the writing isn't normal fantasy fare. It's a little basic, but I feel like quaint is a more accurate word. It's small in scope, but the characters feel real. The workshop hopefully will continue growing as well.

It's not a game without flaws for sure, and it feels a little amateurish in spots, but its shortcomings are few compared to everything you get in the game. very fun.

this game has such weird vibes, in a good/neutral way. the story is so edgy that to me it wraps around to being kind of endearing. the combat is fun too, the aerial kick is such a great move. i wish it did more with enemies that are really able to challenge your movement, like maybe one that's able to swat you out of the air, also using more varied terrain in combat arenas to bring together the platforming and combat elements, but it's also nice to have both separate as a way to break up the pacing.