Reviews from

in the past

It's definitely simplified down from actual hardware compatibility and behaviour, but nonetheless it's a fun way to spend money that isn't real on computer parts that you want in real life.

Pretty cool game but can gets boring if you're not into pc building (who would've guessed)

Its actually a pretty realistic building simulator. can even teach a thing or two about building a pc

Zajímavý simulátor stavění pc který svojí kariérou zabaví. Jsou tam pravidelně přidávané nové komponenty.
Celkem se hra dát považovat za styl výuky ohledně pc ale je tam hodně věcí zjednodušených.
"Proč se to nezapíná?"

pretty good game, its relaxing and fun, especially story mode

They asked for an anti virus scan, so I gave them a free graphics card.

I got my fix, played enough of it to form an opinion, it's fun!

I messed around with this while I wait for all my computer parts to ship

No. For a almost 50gb game it is very slow moving and hard to get into for me.

Helped me a lot and is a great game to turn your brain off to.

Macht echt spaß und ist chillig zum runterkommen

El juego en sí no está nada mal, captó mi interés por unas 10 horas. Ahora bien, te enseña cosas muy importantes para hacer fuera del juego y eso no tiene precio. A mí personalmente me ayudó bastante a hacer unas prácticas. Y encima gratis gracias a los de Epic

I can build my dream PC with my dream parts, which is already an automatic plus for me. While the building aspect is more bare-bones than actually building a PC physically, it still captures the joy of building and fixing them on your own accord

Okay game for a few hours of brain rest

VEEERY slow to get into. If you like taking apart/building PCs at a snails pace, then this game is for you! It's just not for me, really.

it's fun. my pc crashed though

im'm not evenn joking

I would spend hours building PCs in free mode but I can't bring myself to play the min/max career mode yet. Every little mistake I make like forgetting to buy parts I need just fries my brain cells.

I mean, you build PCs. I played this while researching how to build a PC because it was free on Epic.

Fun for about 2 hours but gets old quick

eu gosto de montar pc, mesmo meu notebook n rodando o jogo direito :)

I really enjoyed this game it keeps me hooked for hours.