Reviews from

in the past

This is an unironic guilty pleasure of mine. I grinded the hell out of Dynamax Adventures

It's definitely not the best Pokemon game, but it's not as bad as everyone says it is. I have fond memories of getting this game for Christmas after launch and finishing it in three days. All the pokemon from this gen are winners imo and I'm glad to see some of them coming back in SV.

This was probably the first Pokémon game where I felt just "meh" towards it. I saw a YouTuber I liked playing it, which sold me into buying it. But also, I thought Hop was adorable and Bede seemed fun because I wanted a jerk rival.

Ignoring the barren wild area for now and focusing on the story for a sec instead, I think most of it was paced well. I had fun, but as I got closer to the end, it began to feel rushed. For example: (spoiler start) When these Dynamax beams started to sprout from underground, I thought maybe we were gonna quell them, but then we were told, "Nah, we got this. You're a kid. Just continue your gym challenge!" Okay, cool. That's okay on its own, but with the ending, the Chairman being the "final villain" you face in the main game, it just felt like things were missing. Rose was obviously the bad guy, but he isn't a "bad guy." I like that trope, but I think it was executed poorly. I mean, throughout the game, the only signs he showed of being the final-ish boss was 1) his clothes the way he presented himself and 2) He wasn't nice to Bede. I might be missing things since I played this back in 2019.
Oh, and Eternatus just appeared out of nowhere-ish. I believe it is mentioned by a few characters while they're talking about the darkest day or something like that. Again, maybe I am missing things, but I thought it was going to turn out like that one geoglyph we're introduced to way back in the game. I wish Rose and Eternatus were more fleshed out as I feel like gameplay would make more sense and feel more alive, yk. (Spoiler end)

Now back to the open-world aspect of the game, it doesn't look good. It's not terrible, but it doesn't look like a place that belongs on the switch or any newer console. I'm not going to outright berate Gamefreak though, as I know they put hard work into their games and are severely understaffed and most likely overworked, but SWSH should've been released later. Trees are placed here and there and the colors feel so muted compared to other areas in the game. I won't talk about the Pokémon walking around themselves because I know they continue to improve on that aspect, but everything else just feels off and empty.

Other than that, the first half of the game was the most fun for me.

S&S is my least favorite generation. The transition to the switch was not friendly to pokemon. Avoid this game above $15

I don’t care what people say about gen 8, I loved the shit out of the games. I loved dynamax battles, and this felt like a good pokémon game, very very overhated.

i think this game is growing on me. i never hated it but galar was always the most “meh” region for me and that fondness is slowly growing

Haha silly shield doggo :) but seriously I really enjoyed these games! Fun new Pokemon and very cool new characters :)

sem muitas inovações porém, é muito subestimado

kinda boring honestly. the pokemon bore me, the characters and story suck so bad and the region overall pisses me off. it makes sense thinking about it because it’s based off of england. but genuinely i do not care for this generation at all

Esse jogo é muito injustiçado, apesar de as pessoas terem razão em suas críticas, ele continua sendo um jogo muito bom que eu amei jogar na época com meus amigos, e que trouxe coisas ótimas pra franquia, sendo o primeiro Pokémon 100% tradicional no novo console da Nintendo! Eu ti adoro Pokémon SWSH

This is far from the best Pokemon game, but as far as laying the groundwork for future Pokemon games, this game does a great job doing that. I'd be lying if I said I didn't enjoy it. I've put nearly 400 hours into this game, but that would be true no matter how good or bad this title was. And that pretty much sums up this game, the die hard Pokemon fans will enjoy it, if you aren't as in to Pokemon, you can skip this one. I'd recommend Let's Go Pikachu instead (great game).

im sorry but this gotta be the most overhated pokemon game by far

its not that bad people.
stop being so harsh.

either im deeply unlucky for this to be my introduction to the pokemon series or the concept alone is fucking boring to me. however, since this was my introduction i will likely never find out.

Despite having some of the cutest new Pokemon in the franchise, Pokemon Sword & Shield is really bogged down by its garbage characters and story. I have it at 3 stars simply because of the fun I had with friends in it, as well as my shiny hunting. Besides that, just watch a Let's Play and make fun of the game.

cool mais oubliable comme tous les pokemons récents quoi

This is easily the most boring Pokémon game I have ever played. The story is horribly written and nothing interesting even happens until after you beat all of the gyms (and even then, the stuff that happens makes no logical sense at all and is entirely idiotic). The gameplay isn't fun due to the lack of any slightly challenging fights, the hallway-like routes, the baren and empty wild areas, and the terrible online. The only reason the score I gave it isn't lower is because there are a lot of good new Pokémon designs.

Overall, this game gets a 2/10.

engualzin a todus otro. fogo os pokemons

this game solidified my decision to not play any new pokemon games

Not horrible, just painfully average

Doesn't know what it wants to be. It either wants to be an open world game or a traditional Pokémon game.
Also, Hop might be the worst rival in the series.

i wish i spent my hard-earned 50$ on anything else
i'd heard the game wasn't ...fantastic but i thought maybe people were just being mean , after all everyone bashed gen 5 which in my opinion is absolutely amazing how bad can this one really be ?
ok i see your point
it just ... isn't enough ... if it had a better story and characters i would be able to forgive it but ... what even happened ... 'i wanna end the world' "why" 'funny' yes that synopsis happens a lot but here .. there just isn't a whole lot to enjoy for me ...

A testament to just how far the franchise has fallen over the years, there is little in the way of progress when it comes to mechanics, gameplay and visuals.

I was really excited when this game got announced, especially when they revealed the Dynamax and the various gigamax forms like Charizard! The gameplay was really fluid and good! The story was okay I guess, good but not great! To summarize, I really liked it!

This review contains spoilers

I never really had as big a problem with these games as others did, especially with the whole Dex cut thing. The games aren't great or anything, but I enjoyed my time playing both versions.

I really liked the sports angle this game takes to Pokemon battles. Like making each gym leader fight a big sporting event was cool and made them more exciting for me. This especially makes the Dynamax mechanic seem a lot cooler to me since you have these arenas full of people seeing giant Pokemon duking it out. Then having the final run not be the Elite Four, but instead a tournament somewhat similar to what you'd see in the anime was very cool. Felt like a nice evolution of what Sun and Moon started with not having a traditional league.

Speaking of the Dynamax mechanic, it's probably my second favorite one behind Z-Moves. Only thing holding it back for me is it can only be done in specific locations (most gym fights, the final cup, raids, and like 1 or 2 story events). The movepool being pretty simple is also a bit saddening. There's one offensive move for each type that range in power based on how strong the original move in that slot was and a generic support move in place of any non-offensive move the Pokemon knows. I also don't really like that you can't like strategically use it how I'd like in raid battles. So you can only dynamax for 3 turns and once anyone Dynamaxes, nobody else can even after you run out. If you don't Dynamax immediately, it gets passed to the next person. This can result in someone dynamaxing and wasting one of their 3 turns on a shield (sometimes multiple in higher ranked raids). While yes it's nice cause Dynamax hits destroy 2 shield points instead of 1 with normal hits, I'd rather just get to the straight damage. I'd like it more if you could choose when to pass it to someone. I guess this could result in problems with someone who never Dynamaxes just keeping it for themselves, but maybe then have a turn limit of like 2-3 turns.

The story is definitely the weakest part. I like Hau's arc of learning that just cause he can't be like his brother doesn't mean his talents can't be used elsewhere (although I wish it didn't end in post game stuff). Bede also goes through a similar arc, which is also fine. Everyone else though either just kind of exists or actively ruins the story. I don't think Marnie does anything other than show up a couple times with Team Yell. Chairman Rose though? What even was this guy doing? Like his big thing is he wants to prevent an event that won't happen for a thousand years, but he's like "NO!! I HAVE TO DO IT RIGHT NOW!!! IT CAN'T POSSIBLY WAIT TILL EVERYTHING ELSE IS DONE!!!!" Like it just makes no sense and I really wish it was handled better, like maybe showing Galar was already having small power issues or something. Also it can be annoying that you're just not allowed to do any of the big important things in the story till like right at the end. You're just shoved aside and told to focus on getting badges.

The game is fine. It has some technical hiccups when connected online in the wild area, but I never ran into anything else. Not the best Pokemon game, but I wouldn't say the worst either.

[Biased review warning]

Perhaps not the most acclaimed Pokémon game in the franchise, but it is my favourite! Me and my best friend have this tradition where we play this game every new year; we start when the clock hits 12:00, and we don't stop playing until we've beaten the champion. It's a tradition that I keep close and dear to my heart.

All the towns have a gorgeous visual aesthetic, and they feel unique. The wild area they introduced here is also a welcome addition, as it breaks up the game a bit, and lets the player roam freely, on bike or on foot, and chill out and take in the stunning landscapes. The pokémon dens which reside here are really fun, as well!

The broad assortment of clothing and customisation options here are entertaining to play around with. Each town has a boutique with a unique set of clothes, so it's fun to collect them whenever you visit the location for the first time!

Overall, a fun experience, definitely one of the better pokémon games in recent memory.

Já adianto que é o jogo mais fraco da série principal que eu joguei até agora, eu gostei de algumas coisas e a experiência no geral foi positiva, mas o jogo tem muitos defeitos e coisas mal exploradas.

Das coisas positivas vou destacar os designs dos novos Pokémon e dos personagens, os personagens estão muito bonitos e estilosos, acho que são alguns dos melhores designs de personagens da franquia toda, tanto os principais quanto os secundários.

Já os Pokémon novos são muito bons e tem um design muito bonito, eu gostei da grande maioria deles, as Galarians Forms estão muito legais e eu gostei bastante de explorar os mapas e encontrar esses Pokémon em situações variadas.

Eu também gostei da trilha sonora, a trilha é muito boa (assim como a maioria dos games da franquia), o jogo não tem uma trilha melhor que Diamond and Pearl e X e Y mas ainda sim é excelente.

Porém os defeitos do jogo são muitos, começando pela parte técnica, a parte técnica é fraquíssima, as animações são recicladas do 3DS, tanto a animação dos Pokémon quanto a dos personagens, é ridículo ver que usaram os mesmos assets dos jogos de 3DS aqui, aliás, é isso que Shield se parece, um jogo de 3DS só que em HD, a parte gráfica é fraca e não faz jus ao Switch, e pra piorar temos quedas de frame tanto no jogo como até nas cutcenes, e isso é inaceitável vindo de um jogo em um hardware superior ao 3DS.

Eu também não gostei do Dynamax e do Gigantamax, eu tinha um pé atrás com essa mecânica antes de jogar, e eu estava certo, essa mecânica é mais fraca porque em 90% do jogo você não usa ela, ela só é usada nas batalhas de ginásio, na Wild Área e em batalhas especificas, no multiplayer pode até ser útil, mas eu não jogo o multiplayer de Pokémon e para o Single Player a mecânica é mal utilizada, pra mim os Z-Moves e a Mega Evoluções eram bem mais legais e mais úteis na campanha dos jogos anteriores.

Eu também achei o jogo muito fácil, tirando a batalha final contra o campeão e uma batalha contra o rival no pós-game eu não tive dificuldade NENHUMA, Pokémon nunca foi super difícil mas aqui foi ridículo de fácil.

Eu também achei o jogo muito curto, em todos os jogos anteriores no meu estilo de jogar eu fechava com 30 e poucas horas e chegava ás 40 nos pós-game, aqui não fechei ele em 27 horas e o pós-game fechei com 30 horas, claro que eu não corri atrás de completar a Pokedex e fechar a Battle Tower, mas nos game anteriores eu também NÃO FAZIA ISSO e mesmo assim eles tinham mais coisas a se fazer, poxa, até X e Y que tem um pós-game ridículo eu tive mais coisas pra fazer do que aqui.

E pra fechar a história, a história do jogo é fraquíssima, a pior história de toda a saga, os personagens são mal desenvolvidos, os vilões são fracos, a trama principal é sem graça, eu tenho criticas a Sun e Moon mas em Sun e Moon pelo menos a história era boa, aqui nem isso.

No geral o jogo é divertido, assim como todo jogo da franquia, ele é divertido e até viciante em certo ponto, a formula de Pokémon é muito boa pois consegue fazer isso até em um jogo cheio de defeitos como esse, no geral eu me diverti mas não fecho os olhos pros defeitos dele.

Se fosse pra eu rejogar algum jogo de Pokémon esse aqui ficaria em último, como eu disse ele tem parte técnica, historia, desenvolvimento e mecânica principal fracos mas ainda é divertido e tem alguns pontos positivos, ainda me diverti jogando no final.

Nota: 6.5/10