Reviews from

in the past

Stade Brestois 29 2 - 0 Montpellier Hérault Sport Club 34

The only reason I have never completed this game is because somehow my gamepak ALWAYS ends up corrupted from this game only.
That being said, I did play it for too many hours at a time and got through about 80% of the game three times before I gave up because it really did suck me in.

The Rayman games going 3D was one of the greatest choices they ever made, It really allows you to get a better feel for the world that you are dropped into,
However if you play this game while drunk like I did, you won't be able to distinguish the platforms from the walls because they have the same texture, and then you'll get mad because you're running around one of the first levels for an embarrassingly long time only to find out that you had been standing RIGHT IN FRONT OF THEM for like 20 minutes.

Que jogo lindo mano!!!!!

Apesar de ser meio fácil no combate e ter algumas partes fudidas por causa do sistema de checkpoint ainda assim é um excelente plataforma. O mundo é vibrante e imaginativo, a maioria das fases é bem marcante e facilmente distinguível uma da outra. A música é muito boa e o combate por mais que não seja muito desafiador como eu disse anteriormente pelo menos ele é único.

Nossa que saudades dessa estética do Rayman. Quando o mundo do jogo era místico, misterioso, e os personagens não eram todos psicóticos.

Incredible game.

A timeless classic, like many others from this era, Rayman 2 immerses you in a world with heaps of charm and atmosphere.

With engaging combat and lots of mechanics to keep the gameplay fresh, there is rarely a dull moment in the game's big adventure.

What really makes The Great Escape stand out though, is its levels. The environments are distinctly varied, ranging from the bright, lush jungles of the first stage, to the creepy, claustrophobic depths of the water level (still have ptsd from this.)

My only problem with this title would be some janky controls, having been left scratching my head regarding what the game was asking me to do at certain points.

Overall, I strongly advocate for this game, and think if you have the £s to spare, should give it a go.

Rayman is one of the first fictional heroes of my life. The creative design, cool powers and endearing voice and personality are still something to look up to even today.

But the most endearing part of Rayman is how this character is able to adapt to every sort of setting and environment that Ubisoft shoved onto him over the years. Party games, Dystopian TV shows, immersive 2D and 3D adventures.... math games.....

But my favorite of his adventures is for sure Rayman 2, often considered one of the best platformers of the past generation.
While I feel it has some flaws in terms of difficulty and camera controls, this games is absolutely magical in its potrayal of a dreamlike world, full of bizzarre events and haunting nightmares.
You feel captivated but also scared by the world of Rayman 2, a land you want to come back over and over again. The adventure to rescue your home from space pirates leads you to a series of shenanigans that always surprise you, and play on the overall mystical feel of the game, with a movement that feels natural and fluid at the same time.

It has a charm that I feel non other 3D plaformer was ever able to recapture. A timeless classic to check out if you are a fan of the genre.

Can't remember what I thought about this game. All I know is that I played it on my 3ds back in 2013. Was one of my first games.

Really solid and well polished 3D platformer with some pretty great levels, doesn't really offer much challenge though.
Dreamcast port is the best version.

the first time i played this was when my dad surprised me with a 3ds and rayman 3d, don't think i finished it as a kid but this game is great especially for 1999 except for the disgusting final boss

i genuinely do not get what happened between rayman 1 and 2 to get to here, but it is cool

God my memory of this game is so cloudy but I remember really putting time into it. Though it was fun it definitely had a lot of mediocre parts and frustrating moments. But it was still able to keep you engaged.

This has been my number 1 favorite game since it came out and I always come back to it.

What’s special about it to me is that it’s a fantastical fairy world being polluted. The subtle atmosphere of it adds to that as well. As if playing through a more thorough world of Ferngully or something.

The Celtic inspired art, the music. It’s just all perfect. The creepy parts are effective still. The entrance to the Cave of Bad Dreams feels like a strange voodoo Louisiana ritual. The Tomb of the Ancients feels like a true dive into the realm of the undead. The finale on the Prison Ship truly feels like a dangerous infiltration and the seedy mysterious merchant at the end adds to that. The zombie chickens are still creepy.

Didn’t put the correlation that this is a French game to the weird haunted swamp stuff together for a while, considering the heavy French presence in Louisiana.

This is the game that put Rayman on the map. Great aesthetic.

Not really… I feel weak and my powers have disappeared

I must replay this. My #2 favorite childhood game.

The N64 is a great place to go for a classic 3D platformer, isn't it? Rayman 2 delivers in that aspect very well. Imaginative worlds, fun ideas, memorable soundtrack & gameplay that keeps you engaged from beginning to end. Childhood me had some trouble here & there with some of the challenges, but finally getting to the next level after many attempts was exhilarating & always worthwhile. A late 90s gem for sure.

One of the most fun and beautifully designed 3D Plattformers. Still love it!

The craziest thing about this game is how each version is different. Not better or worse, because each one has pros and cons that the others do not.

My favorite, however, is the N64.

Bester 3D Platformer der jemals erschienen ist wirklich ich liebe dieses Spiel so sehr es ist unbeschreiblich. Die N64 Version hat mich super krass überrascht. Ich denke für mich ist es die drittebeste Version nach der PC und natürlich der PS2 Version.