Reviews from

in the past

it's good I'm on biome 4's boss but I can't really be asked to keep playing, it's too long for a roguelite and there's not particularly any story elements that amaze me

This game is still PS5's best. My thoughts on it are long. Here's a video review for those interested:

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Damn if I was in my own personal hell I’d chose a much better song to echo across the plains. I mean, has she ever even heard of Radiohead 🤤

Quite possibly the best game since Mass Effect 2. Go in blind, and approach with a “the curtains were blue” mentality.

Pure videogame bliss. Outstanding achievement!

Some of the best audio and gunplay in any game I've played. Returnal uses the PlayStation controller masterfully, each shot and jump has so much weight to it, and the SFX exaggerates this to the point where the combat and gameplay could carry the game already. But beautiful environments, interesting enemy designs and some crazy boss fights make this tough as nails game worth playing. Story was fairly interesting for a roguelite aswell. The only problem with the game reseting after every death is that after awhile the rooms that the levels are split into will start repeating and it'll lose the charm of feeling lost if you've already seen the place you're fighting in five times. But that doesn't stop this from being a very worthwhile play.

this is the dark souls of shoot ‘em ups

I knew I was playing an action gayming masterwork on par with Nex Machina upon picking up the laz0r sword and discovering that swinging it kills my momentum, but it clearly surpasses it since it's also a mature work of art for Adults Such As Myself just like my fayvorite Dennis "the Menace" Villanova moovies. The närrätive is reallyreally deep, clearly inspired by greek trägedies I know of slightly through osmosis, at the start when you leave the ship behind it says "Helios Abandoned" and Helios means sun which sounds just like son (DO U GET IT MY FELLOW LITERARY AFICIONADOS??). All em crazy bullet patterns that the bosses throw out and I strafe past whilst trying to not fall asleep reminded me of my favorite danmaku hoedown Enter teh Gungeon. Overall when it comes to over the shoulder third person scifi shooters featuring a big skeleton with orange glowing weakspots as the final boss it's clearly objectively inferior compared to Mass Effect 2 (it has way more BiG Buttz), sorry fennosweden, better luck next time....

Mon premier Rogue Lite, ça a été une très bonne expérience ! Selene est un personnage très intéressant et attachant, l’univers est intriguant et la direction artistique magnifique. Le meilleur jeu PS5 actuellement selon moi !

Yeah it’s fun.
Dualsense features make this a must play on ps5.

im gonna write an actual review for this game someday because it truly deserves a serious one but for now ill just say doombringer go brr

Just missing that last half a star because the story completely punks out in the end and relies too heavily on suggestion and metaphor than to simply give us a clear and definitive answer to anything.

Combat, gameplay, movement, all genius. Controls, the PS5 remote, visuals, everything, firing on all cylinders. Not since Control has it been this fun to simply shoot a pistol.

I gave this game so many hours of my time, I just wish it rewarded me with a clearer story in the end. It was truly a remarkable game, challenging in all the best ways, really got stuck in my head.

It was surprisingly exciting and fun to play this game. The mechanics are insanely satisfying and overall story is pretty good. The only frustrating part is "returning" to where you started every time you die, but the solution to that is to just get good at the game so what can I say...

"Returnal" definitely requires patience and perseverance, but it never felt like a waste of time. The gameplay is strangely addictive, with fast-paced and incredibly fluid combat, highly responsive controls, and sleek graphics. Even if you lose all your progress every time you get killed, rooms pop out in different orders and with random loot, making each "cycle" a different experience. Luck plays a crucial role, as weapons and artifacts can dramatically change the outcome of a boss fight. Players are also asked to deal with risk management, as buffs can cause "malfunctions" to your equipment. The game is indeed challenging but gets better after some hours of practice. The Citadel got me close to rage quitting, but the path afterward was relatively smooth.

Even though I was attracted by the dark sci-fi atmosphere and the way they turned roguelite gameplay into a plot device, the mystery behind Selene's cycles leaves much room for interpretation. Narrative sequences are cryptic and extremely short, but after entering the house the first couple of times, it was pretty easy to guess where the story was heading. I just wished we would get more details in the end.

pretty fun game, decently interesting story, nothing too crazy.

Very good roguelike. Story tidbits were interesting as well.

"Must have for PS5", porém os finais foram decepcionantes pelo tipo de abordagem.

Returnal stays great. Everything I loved about this game on PlayStation 5 absolutely holds up and it was a blast playing through this game again. It's just unfortunate that this PC port appears to have added some bugs which I never experienced on the original version. I have a high tolerance for most bugs, but when progression is concerned, I have zero tolerance. This game has a nasty habit of going to a black screen and killing your run entirely. I also personally experienced some performance issues which made certain fights more challenging than they should've been. In spite of these issues, I still had a great time revisiting Returnal and I'm excited to see what Housemarque does next.


Difficulty 5/10
My time: around 80 hours
My platinum N°: 152

Returnal is a third-person roguelike where we control Selena, an astronaut who crashes on the planet Atropos, being trapped in a time loop. We will have to explore the planet, obtaining weapons, upgrades and collectibles, but if we lose we will start all over again from the beginning.

The path to the platinum is long and has to do with the collectibles and the fact that the scenarios change every time we start over. Although the collectibles are always in the same rooms, the latter do not always appear.

To obtain the platinum we must: find all the audio files, all the xenoglyhps, obtain 200% integrity, reach level 30 weapon mastery, get 5 parasites at the same time, complete Act 1, 2 and 3, among others.

I really enjoyed Returnal, the battles with enemies and bosses were very entertaining and visually well done, and the story was interesting although a bit confusing at times.

Precisava de mais variedade

Beautiful audio/visuals. Good snappy combat. Story is surprisingly good and the characters aren't the standard video-game ones.

It's weakest part is that runs are too long and have you feeling bad after a failure. This doesn't give you the "One more run" feeling that all the greats like Hades and Dead Cells give you.

Não é o meu tipo de jogo, joguei mais pela história mesmo e valeu a pena.

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Had to finish with a downloaded save that was way too strong and so i beat the final boss extremely easy. Regardless the entire game didn't pose much of a challenge. I beat 3 bosses first try and 2 second try. The final boss was supposed to be first try too but i died when he had 1 pixel of hp.
The game was solid, good storytelling, the gameplay was engaging. The rooms were incredibly enjoyable, the way the maze shifts continuously.
I appreciated that upon killing a boss i can skip them.

Um dos melhores roguelikes q ja joguei, a história é muito boa, bem misteriosa e mt aberta a interpretações e me prendeu bem fácil. A dificudade é relativa pq depende de vc entrar em uma run boa ou ruim! O combate é maravilhoso, divertido pra caramba com uma boa variedade de armas e itens de upgrae. As bossfighs são incriveis e bem desafiadoras, mas nada impossíveis. Dos exclusivos da sony esse está no meu top 5 fácil. Mesmo depois de zerar ainda vou continuar jogando pq tem mta coisa q n descobri. Recomendo demais!

it's been months since i put this game down and i still think about it all the time. dunno if it does quite enough to justify being run-based but the gameplay just locks me into flow state for hours.

Use the Samus skin to replace the female character. Skip the story, ignore it as hard as possible and you are left with an incredible game. If the story/main character weren't so bad this would legit be one of my favorite games ever. Also the final boss is weak and easily the most disappointing of all the bosses in the game. Otherwise truly fantastic, amazing visuals, amazing balance and 'progression.' It does so many smart things, the bullet hell gameplay is something that's bizarre no other shooter does even 1/10th as well. Enemy variety is fantastic, bosses (besides final) are great, powerups, etc etc. I will say a lot of the guns I find meh but idk maybe you'll vibe with them better. Highly recommended... with the Samus suit and ignoring the terribad story.

IDK if this is a game for me, played an hour or so and couldn't vibe with it