Reviews from

in the past

One of the worst realizations you can have is that something you loved as a kid was bad all along.

This game made me lose faith in God

I understand that it was Bioware's first handheld but this is so embarrassing.

The presentation of this game is awful, models look bad, sound effects are terrible, the music is especially gross.

This game acts like it wants to waste your time. The way to progress is usually confusing, attack animations take ten years to wait and watch happen and some cutscenes are super drawn out.

The actual battle part of this game is 50/50, sometimes it can be fun to pull off powerful moves, and figuring out the best team, POW moves and Chao can honestly be pretty fun. But the amount of missed attacks in the early game + the repetitive fights in the later half can get super boring

The best part of this game without a doubt is the dialogue. It's genuinely entertaining and funny sometimes, and the overall story is good too.

Too bad Ken Penders sued these guys, because I doubt we'll get another Sonic RPG which is a shame because Sonic makes a lot of sense to be in an RPG.


its sonic so not very good but the music does not disappoint!

People hate this game but I remember loving it as a child. I was probably stupid

Very clearly unfinished but I enjoyed it when I was younger.

it's like a free browser game, but extended and costing real human money

This review contains spoilers

had fun with this game, and the story was okay, but.... wow, yeah, its definitely unfinished. characters clip through buildings and enemies can walk off paths and onto places that the player cant walk on and a lot of places that look like doorways youre supposed to go through have no purpose. the music is bad 75% of the time and the battle music never changes, making important bosses feel like nothing. speaking of the final boss, i dont understand why he wasnt just alone when his little sidekick dudes just stood there and didnt attack?? i feel like if theres gonna be an enemy it should at least do damage... or, like, NOT die as soon as you beat Ix. just a thought. i feel like the game was insanely easy, too, but that might just be because i hardly fled so i didnt need to grind constantly. i didnt wipe out a single time during my playthrough. the most frustrating part of the game was fighting the big robots that you could only get like a few hp off of them at a time... went on way too long and there were way too many of them. and i feel like... the types/elements or whatever didnt really play into effect very much? i think they shouldve included it more, but thats just me i think. its not like this is pokemon or denpa men, type advantages arent super important. i feel like they shouldve just stuck with the chao effects because those are fun and unique and a really nice aspect of the game.

one of my favorite parts were the cutscenes. even though they werent super cinematic or whatever and probably couldve been done better, i really admire the comic book style art. another thing i loved about the game was the pirate side quest! i love the little one-off character they used. he was very likeable and i kinda wish he wasnt only used once and i wish he had a name, but if he was used more he probably wouldve been ruined. his dialogue was really funny and some of my favorite in the game! "yarr, it be a speech impediment" or whatever he said made me laugh so much. on the topic of humor, sonic chronicles really nails it in that field! i found myself laughing at a lot of the jokes said by the characters and how real they felt in certain situations. rouge probably made me laugh the most! i think the humor probably saved the game- i totally wouldve been bored out of my mind if there wasnt so much dialogue. i guess the battles were pretty engaging (i really liked the patterns you had to follow!), but the dialogue makes up for some of the boring exploration parts and the backtracking to find eggs...... not too big of a gripe from me, though. i just wanted to mention how much i loved the humor :3

the ending was...... really annoying, to be honest. i hated how eggman took over and then sonic and tails just started talking about nothing and then said the credits in normal conversation 😭 it was funny but ....please just roll the credits...... also the music that was playing there was so awful and boring and did not fit the mood and it made me so upset. despite everything i kinda want to replay it one day to try and 100% it with the equipment and leveling i had when i beat it! i think thats a nice reward for completing the game.

im bad at ending reviews, so ill just say i really didnt hate the story. it felt weird sometimes, especially considering the whole... echidna part ...and the copyrights..... but i found myself enjoying it! i feel like even if the story kinda sucked its sorta fitting for sonic. its rare to find a sonic story that really doesnt fit with the wacky world and multiple universes and the whole "everything is canon" thing, so ...ill say the story was alright. the game itself wasnt even terrible, just not good. the music was foul though i have no idea who thought some of those tracks would be a good idea. the underwater part sucked too brah do not ever do that in an rpg again its so unfitting okay i was stressing i thought if you die in sonic chronicles you die in real life i hated that part the most

This review contains spoilers

Un sonic assez spécial sur beaucoup de points sur un style RPG, sortir un jeu comme ça aprÚs le drama de Sonic 06 était comment dire mal pensé .

Surtout que nous avons eu un jeu bien meilleur quelques années avant sur DS : Sonic Rush et c'est dommage .

Le jeu n'a vraiment pas une mauvaise histoire et c'est dommage que cela se retrouve dans ce format surtout pour les fan de sonic . J'aurais préféré limite sur le style de black Knight et secret rings .

Les musiques sont horribles , les déplacements sont lents , le systÚme de Tour par Tour est trop bizarre pour le coup. Les combos avec les différents persos n'est pas con mais mal foutue , le tactile était aléatoire et pourtant sur d'autres jeux demandant le tactile fortement je n'avais pas de problÚme.

Bien Ă©videmment que le jeu est mal reçu et que d'autres opus n'ont pas vu le jour . L'idĂ©e des Ă©chidnĂ©s autre que Knuckles n'est pas bĂȘte aussi , il y a une variĂ©tĂ© d'ennemis tout de mĂȘme . Le jeu par contre est moche faut le dire et faut pas sortir l'excuse de la console , il y a eu des jeux bien plus beaux avant .

Point aussi dû à la caméra du dessus horrible pour se repérer qui ne suit pas correctement les mouvements lents .

Les fans de sonic je ne vous le conseille pas sauf si vous ĂȘtes adaptĂ©s Ă  ce style de jeu (moi j'ai tenu car bon les rpg j'en ai vu x) ) et mĂȘme les non fans Ă  vos risques et pĂ©rils .

i only like this because of nostalgia but the music and sound effects are so funny

A minha memoria do jogo comparada com a minha jogatina mais recente Ă© bastante diferente.
Antes achava que era uma historia fantastica em que o sonic ao espaço lutar contra aliens em batalhas super épicas e diferentes comparado com o resto da série.
Hoje abro o jogo e desligo instantaneamente porque a musica Ă© um crime contra a humanidade.

gets 5 stars for having one of the worst sonic osts out there, actual masterful work

The first and only attempt at a RPG for Sonic, Chronicles is a pretty average game that occasionally manages to catch my interest, but is ultimately more of a chore to play than fun.

The story is also incredibly basic for an RPG, which is a shame because the premise and setting is interesting. Chronicles reveals that Knuckles isn’t actually the last Echidna, as another tribe was sealed in a place known as a Twilight Cage a long time ago, and they’ve just recently been able to escape under the leadership of IX. Ix is unfortunately very generic, he just wants to conquer the world as he already rules over the other planets in the twilight cage, but clearly wants more. It’s mostly a shame that they don’t do that much with Knuckles, who you would think would extremely bothered by all this but
 no not much happens here. There’s plenty of ties to the Sonic lore, such as establishing the origins of the Gizoids, but outside of some interesting landmarks, there’s not much happening here.

The world design is laughably bad, while there’s no random encounters areas are often awkwardly laid out. They are hand drawn backgrounds that don’t move much, and clash hard with Sonic’s rough 3D models. There isn’t much to do here, some places require certain characteristics a character has to explore further, but it doesn’t really amount to much. You also have to do everything with the touch screen, which I mean isn’t the end of the world but it’s such a stupid decision that didn’t need to be a thing.

The battles aren’t much either, once again it’s all touch screen based, but mostly it’s just selecting a command and letting it happen in very basic turn based battles. The only time things get more involved are with the special attacks characters can use “Pow Moves”. I do like how certain characters can pair up with others to perform these, it’s cool to see, but you have to play a touchscreen mini game to perform ANY move and this drags the pace down to a crawl. Some moves will be less effective if you mess up the command, and others will fail to happen at all which is totally baffling with support and healing skills. Granted the game isn’t very hard, but that’s not the point, it should still be fun.

The graphics aren’t great, and the music, yikes it’s one of the only missteps in Sonic’s career. Awful compositions, a poor choice of instruments used, the only good track is the intro theme, from there it’s truly awful.

Sonic Chronicles is a weird game that will probably remain the only attempt at a Sonic RPG , which is a shame because I’m sure there’s plenty of potential, but this game ain’t it.

Sonic decide que se acabo eso de ser la criatura mås råpida y se mete a darse toñas por turnos

I think the only form of praise I can give this soundtrack is that I'm happy it acknowledges that 3D Blast Saturn is a thing cause holy shit every other aspect of this soundtrack sucks ass lmao

De mis juegos favoritos de Sonic, volverlo un RPG le sentó genial y muy disfrutable, tengo muy buenos recuerdos del jueg que rejugué mås de una vez

A turn based RPG, which is a kind of game that I don’t really like. I’ve attempted a couple, but Sonic Chronicles is the only one I’ve actually completed. As far as the combat is concerned, I found it a bit more engaging due to the POW attacks, as you have to play a sort of rhythm game for full damage (and do the same to protect yourself when the enemy does one), but as I don’t really know the ins and outs of the genre, I can’t comment on the quality of it.

One thing that Sonic Chronicles does pretty well is story, it has an engaging mystery of what this mysterious group is up to, and when you enter a portal you meet some interesting entities. It feels a bit like Doctor Who in a way, as Sonic can negotiate with the people of these various worlds as they’re not the mindless brutes as they originally seem to be. The new characters introduced are rather interesting, and I would like to see some of them return. The biggest flaw with the story is that it does end with a cliffhanger ending (the main plot is, thankfully, tied up), and a sequel was never made, presumably because the developer – BioWare – became part of EA.

I also really enjoyed the dialogue. Like a lot of BioWare games, you can make dialogue choices. This doesn’t have any impact on the overall story, although if you are nice to Amy, it can lead to an additional conversation where you can set up a potential future romance between her and Sonic. The conversation options allow you to ask some questions, or if you really want to, you can just make Sonic rude and obnoxious with some funny dialogue choices.

Getting around the world I found to be a bit annoying. To access different areas, you need to have certain movement abilities in your party, so sometimes you’ll need a specific character with you, or you’ll encounter some chao eggs or rings you can’t access until you return at a later point (but not too late, there are multiple points of the game that lock you out of previous areas). To trigger this ability, you just tap an icon on the screen. I have particular trouble in the Metropolis area as I didn’t notice I could jump down a platform and searched for ages to try and find the route to get to where I was needed.

I did enjoy Sonic Chronicles overall, due to the charming writing, although some aspects were a let down (the music is just
there, and is the most forgettable music in a Sonic game), the only thing I really disliked was that it was a turn based RPG.

é um rpg de turno bem padrão mas da pra se divertir. O ponto forte desse jogo mesmo é a história. Uma pena que teve treta de direito autoral e fez ser impossível uma continuação :(

les gens ont peur de dire que c'Ă©tait un bon jeu

The music is so bad it actually gets extra points for being funny

Bit of a guilty pleasure game. I used to like it when I was younger.

this is the only sonic game i've actually owned

I fully understand that I’m alone in saying this but this game is goated. I played it through like 4 separate times as a kid on some insane kidbrained bender and because of that I will never speak ill on it.

I actually remember how I learned about this game:I was in the checkout aisle at the grocery store as a young kid and while my mom was actually putting stuff on the scanner I would look at the Archie comics they had next to the tabloids. Specifically I’d look at the back cover because it would always have promos for some new game or show coming out and it was usually something I liked. I kept seeing promos for this game and my child brain went Sonic+Dark Brotherhood/Edgy+RPG=yes please. I played this game multiple times as a kid, and my vague memory is that I found certain bits very frustrating but I beat the game at least a couple times and it was something I would keep going back to even several years later, so I was curious how it would hold up today.

Ok so now I will be very blunt and say this is not a good game. To even make the game somewhat tolerable I had to use save states/rng manipulation to luck my way into getting multiple copies of the Chao that removes button inputs for POW moves because especially on an emulator that shit is obnoxious. Even then most of the game is a slog. The one positive thing I can say about this game is I actually have a soft spot for the music contrary to most people who’ve played this; it is horrendous but in a weirdly charming way, and a couple tracks are actually somewhat good. Also while the story is forgettable and the graphics themselves are ugly even by early/mid era DS standards, I admittedly find the character portraits very nostalgia inducing from that Sonic X era I grew up with, and the dialogue can be pretty funny.

But ya, unless you have a similar sort of Introspectiveness about your childhood nostalgia there is literally 0 reason to play this. Hopefully somebody will give another go at a Sonic RPG, that’s such a good idea waiting to happen if done right.


and the combat is pretty boring too, the only thing i genuinely liked about this game are the characters and the lore, specially we can see more about the Nocturnus Clan in the Archie Comics.

just... don't bother with it unless you're a sonic fan like me and even though... why bother with it?

Like that one reviewer said, it's like a worse Elite Beat Agents. YMCA isn't even in it. What is in it is some interesting Echidna lore, shame it was rushed and involved in one of the biggest lawsuits that cancelled the Archie comics. Have your documents in order kids. Don't be like SEGA and Archie.

A great RPG from Bioware, in a very unusual choice of license. As a casual Sonic fan and an RPG fan, this impressed on both accounts.

The writing is really great for having been done by Bioware in terms of how it feels like it's from Sonic. As someone who loved Sonic Adventure 2, these characters felt like they jumped right out of that game into this one, and the numerous references to Sonic Battle were appreciated, as someone who likes that game too. In terms of mechanics, taking a page from the Mario & Luigi games, you do mini-games to execute your special moves, but instead of timed button presses, they're more like something out of Osu/Elite Beat Agents, which is actually really fun. Additinoally, you also dodge enemy special moves this way, which leads to my next paragraph.

In terms of flaws, the difficulty is really weird. Because the developers realized dodging enemy special attacks is basically 100% if you're good at the tapping games, enemies get really strong normal attacks, which in about chapter 3 you can start getting people 1-round killed by, when there's virtually nothing you could've done about it. Also, stats being explained a bit better would've helped a lot. Every character gets so many attacks per round, but their number is (with the exception of one special buff Tails can do) are totally set in stone. Sonic and Shadow have 3 attacks per round as soon as you get them, and they always will, while characters like Big and Cream only get 1 and are stuck like that. Granted that is built into the design, it'd be nice if they let you power-game it, considering there IS a stat called 'speed.' Other peeves with the design is that being able to assign an action to a specific turn in a round would be nice, as well as being able to go back to undo the last thing you told someone to do, instead of having to rewrite the whole round's commands to do so.

Overall, despite how long that flaws paragraph is, I thoroughly enjoyed it, and recommend it to anyone who likes quirky JRPG's and/or Sonic.

Lo recuerdo con nostalgia pero la mĂșsica te taladraba la cabeza y los efectos de sonido tenĂ­an calidad de altavoz de 50 cĂ©ntimos de un bazar regentado por gente que tienen mĂĄs caracterĂ­sticas aparte de su raza.

Too long, too tedious, and music is too bad for me to justify continuing to play this travesty