Reviews from

in the past

Still objectively better, story-wise, than all this Disney-Marvel movie mill trash, or anything from Netflix.

Compared to some of its super hero contemporaries, this game is actually playable and has a cohesive gameplay loop. Spider-Man also makes quite an impressive sound when he falls to his death in this.

Iniciando minha maratona de jogos do Homem-Aranha eu começo logo pelo primeiro não apenas do herói, mas de toda a história da Marvel nos videogames, peça histórica.

Dito isso, vendo que foi lançado no ano de Donkey Kong e Pac-man, que jogo ruinzinho. Bem chatinho e dificuldade muito elevada, apesar da característica da época. Vale para conhecimento histórico, não muito mais que isso.

Neste absolutamente incrível jogo do Miranha, jogamos com um paraplégico que é incapaz de mover uma perna pra subir um prédio, o coitado estava de atestado médico, mas mesmo assim teve que sair pra parar o Doente Verde que só queria fazer um favor e explodir a Trump Tower.

Você aí sobe na base da teia pra desligar a bomba que está no topo do prédio. Seria fácil se não tivesse a antena da CNN ali, fazendo ter que acertar o pixel exato pra continuar. Se errar, começa a cair, podendo se salvar com a teia. Mas se cair tudo, não vai perder grande coisa, já tava paraplégico mesmo.

not the worst atari 2600 game i've played but definitely not up there as one of the best, but its never clear as to what you actually have to do so you have to figure it out yourself

For not only the first Spider-Man game ever, but the first MARVEL game ever made, and for it being an Atari 2600 game, not bad at all tbh. It's honestly pretty good for what it is.

Choosing a worst spider-man game is impossible. goddamn. the avgn episode on this was great

As far as atari2600 games go, this isn't that bad!
I expected a barely playable mess and not being able to finish a single level, but once I realized that I couldn't aim directly at objects (like the super bomb) with the web I had a way easier time.

The best part of the game is the diagonal web swing physics, I was impressed with that (sure it's a low bar but it's atari). The game as a whole is quite fun, and I wouldn't be disappointed if I had bought it at the time when it released.

Oh and one last thing, everytime spiderman ate shit on the floor I just couldn't stop laughing. That crunchy sound is perfect.